It looks lovely. Hey, I think my oldest brother had that Corvette once upon a time, before his children came into the picture. Two of my three brothers had Corvettes - one black and one gold. Neither 'vette ever had snow on it, I don't think.
Congrats on yer snow! Whodathunk it would've happened in March? Impressive, South, impressive.
I covet your car. We're supposed to get 6-10 inches in the city! I'm so excited.
A Margarita, at 6:12 PM
It looks lovely. Hey, I think my oldest brother had that Corvette once upon a time, before his children came into the picture. Two of my three brothers had Corvettes - one black and one gold. Neither 'vette ever had snow on it, I don't think.
Congrats on yer snow! Whodathunk it would've happened in March? Impressive, South, impressive.
Anonymous, at 6:29 AM
I miss the cold weather! The snow looks beautiful :)
DrL/K, at 11:35 PM
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