I was surprised no, shocked! Indeed I was shocked, to open a letter from KristyK and find this:

I wish most of our stuff wasn't packed up for the ever-impending, non-happening move, because I have a picture from our wedding that is the standard wedding portrait pose: bride and groom in the middle, attendants surrounding, formal wear and formal smiles in place...except we're all doing The Shocker.
I *heart* KristyK.
I wish most of our stuff wasn't packed up for the ever-impending, non-happening move, because I have a picture from our wedding that is the standard wedding portrait pose: bride and groom in the middle, attendants surrounding, formal wear and formal smiles in place...except we're all doing The Shocker.
I *heart* KristyK.
Don't you have a pic somewhere with everyone doing it at my wedding as well?
Matt, at 8:04 PM
Why yes. Yes I do.
Helly, at 8:17 PM
I'm glad you liked it. You should feel honored that as soon as I saw it, I thought of you!
kristyk, at 10:31 AM
So my buddy Derek (who is in that pic btw) is getting married on Saturday, and I would love to show up with a handfull of these for everyone! Are they available at your local filling station, or do I need to spring for overnight shipping? I'm in Atlanta as well, so any help would be most appreciated!
Matt, at 1:02 AM
KristyK is actually in Las Cruces, New Mexico, which might be a bit of a drive for you. Unfortunately I've thrown away the packaging (wanted to use it right away) so I can't tell you who manufactures it or anything. At the bottom of the thing itself, it says [copyright symbol] Kalan AF536. I hope that helps, b/c I don't think Derek's wedding would be the same without it.
Helly, at 9:31 AM
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