You'll NEVER guess how I'm spending my Friday night...
...especially if you know me well.
LAUNDRY. I'm doing laundry.
Seriously. Stop laughing!
I know this won't be believed without explanation, so here is the backstory. In addition to the myriad of horrible things that happened in 2007, though it pales in comparison with the abundance of funerals, was this: The Sainted Miss Betty, who's been my housekeeper for 7 - 8 years, RETIRED. She'd warned us of the impending retirement much earlier, but a couple of times, things happened that pushed the date back. I was hoping she'd change her mind; I confess that I couldn't quite believe she'd do such a thing to me - I mean, she knows full well that I have no idea how to work the...thing, that whachamacallit...the big white box where she stacks the clean laundry. And anyway, I just couldn't face the idea of the awfulness of a world without Miss Betty, so I pretended it wasn't happening. This did not work so well as it might have, although when Miss Betty witnessed my extreme distress (there were nearly actual tears, I tell you) she said that my house wasn't so bad, really, it was the huge mansions that tired her out, and so she'd keep cleaning for me, which would also keep a little extra money coming in for her, but only about once a month.
My theoretical solution to this problem was to only eat things that were microwaved in their own disposable dishes and to purchase enough underwear to see me through, even if she missed a month. That's TOTALLY what I'd have done if I were still single, but Alan still wanted actual cooked meals and pointed out that we are running out of drawer space as it is, thus foiling yet another of my brilliant schemes. To be fair, Alan has always done about 90% of his laundry; he feels weird having Miss Betty do it, so he does his on a weekly basis and when she comes, she does mine and all the linens. Um, that is...mine minus the underpants, socks and occasional t-shirt of mine I sneak in when Alan has a load going. :-)
He also, in an extremely irritating grasp of the practical, pointed out that laundry wasn't our only problem. We both clean the kitchen on an ongoing basis and Swiffer the floor pretty often (I go barefoot a lot and I hate feeling crumbs underfoot), but there were bathrooms, dusting and vacuuming to consider as well.
Now, I HATE to dust. I hate to dust with an overwhelming hatred because I have horrible allergies, stirring up the dust makes me sneeze/get stuffed up, then I feel badly all day and, more often than not, have a sinus headache the next. So I let it go too long and when I finally break down and do it, it's even more horrible. I will gladly do every other chore if Alan will dust, but luckily for me, he volunteered for dust duty before I even got round to trying to bribe him (he's a wonderful husband). I cleaned the bathrooms last week, he did it this week when he was off work and I wasn't; we both vacuumed although I'm happy to do that so long as - dust again - he is responsible for emptying the crap-catcher. Hmm, I honestly don't know what you call that - we have a bagless vac so it's got a plastic dish thingy with a hepa filter.
This was working out fairly well, though it was no substitute for The Sainted Miss Betty, but the laundry was piling up. Now, however, Alan has enrolled in a technical writing class at a local college, which starts tomorrow, so I figured that it was only right and fair that I pick up more of the domestic chores. Hence, my attempt tonight at laundry.
Pre-Miss-Betty, my method was to use the washer itself as a dirty clothes hamper; when it got full, I'd add soap, turn it on and hope for the best. But tonight, I have actually sorted things into piles of white/pale colours, bright colours and darks/jeans. My only gripe about the laundry is that it takes too danged long to do. By the time a garment is finally done from start to finish, I'm so tired of the whole chore that I don't even want to put it away. I figure I'll leave it hanging in the laundry room until I need it, by which time I will of course forgotten that I left it somewhere and wind up wearing a Members Only jacket to work because I can't locate a clean sweater. Which could happen - I actually have one.
Even as I blog, I keep thinking the washer is finished, because it goes still and quiet, so I keep getting up and going into the utility room to switch it to the dryer, and finding out that it has merely paused for breath in between what seems to be several hundred stages in this process. Then once I finally have it in the dryer, as happened last night, I'll think it's done and start folding, only to come across a still-damp item.
Aaagh, the folding! Don't even get me started on the folding! That's the part that really wears me out. In the interest of full disclosure, this is because I am not a normal person, being in possession of a few anal-retentive quirks. (HA! A "few"!) It is a family joke that I have CDO - that's like OCD, but in alphabetical order, as it should be. So the folding is a very arduous process. Each of Alan's t-shirts and underpants must be rolled in a certain way but NEVER folded, because rolling results in zero wrinkles, particularly if one is careful with hems, whereas folding creates wrinkles; whether this is because I am the child of a military man or - ha-HA! me, iron?!? it is to laugh! You be the judge. Each corner and edge of things like sheets and pillowcases must be precisely aligned, the toes of socks must be exactly even before the tops are rolled together, the legs of Alan's jeans must be 100% parallel before being placed on a hanger (at which point the jeans portions on either side of the hanger must be equal) - all of this must happen, or it really, really upsets me. I know - I should seek help.

I took this picture to illustrate a properly folded pillowcase versus an improperly folded pillowcase, and had to re-fold it before I could load the picture and finish blogging. It made me itchy just knowing it was sitting there BEING WRONG.
As long as I'm confessing, I should add that, once the folding is finished, it is OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE that the clothes be placed properly in the drawers. For example, the little rolls of Alan's underpants must be placed with the
end of the roll down, so that irregular edges do not show - or I get twitchy. Even though it's not my underwear.
<---- Alan's underpants. But not all of them because some of them are being laundered. BY ME. RIGHT. THIS. MINUTE.
...especially if you know me well.
LAUNDRY. I'm doing laundry.
Seriously. Stop laughing!
I know this won't be believed without explanation, so here is the backstory. In addition to the myriad of horrible things that happened in 2007, though it pales in comparison with the abundance of funerals, was this: The Sainted Miss Betty, who's been my housekeeper for 7 - 8 years, RETIRED. She'd warned us of the impending retirement much earlier, but a couple of times, things happened that pushed the date back. I was hoping she'd change her mind; I confess that I couldn't quite believe she'd do such a thing to me - I mean, she knows full well that I have no idea how to work the...thing, that whachamacallit...the big white box where she stacks the clean laundry. And anyway, I just couldn't face the idea of the awfulness of a world without Miss Betty, so I pretended it wasn't happening. This did not work so well as it might have, although when Miss Betty witnessed my extreme distress (there were nearly actual tears, I tell you) she said that my house wasn't so bad, really, it was the huge mansions that tired her out, and so she'd keep cleaning for me, which would also keep a little extra money coming in for her, but only about once a month.
My theoretical solution to this problem was to only eat things that were microwaved in their own disposable dishes and to purchase enough underwear to see me through, even if she missed a month. That's TOTALLY what I'd have done if I were still single, but Alan still wanted actual cooked meals and pointed out that we are running out of drawer space as it is, thus foiling yet another of my brilliant schemes. To be fair, Alan has always done about 90% of his laundry; he feels weird having Miss Betty do it, so he does his on a weekly basis and when she comes, she does mine and all the linens. Um, that is...mine minus the underpants, socks and occasional t-shirt of mine I sneak in when Alan has a load going. :-)
He also, in an extremely irritating grasp of the practical, pointed out that laundry wasn't our only problem. We both clean the kitchen on an ongoing basis and Swiffer the floor pretty often (I go barefoot a lot and I hate feeling crumbs underfoot), but there were bathrooms, dusting and vacuuming to consider as well.
Now, I HATE to dust. I hate to dust with an overwhelming hatred because I have horrible allergies, stirring up the dust makes me sneeze/get stuffed up, then I feel badly all day and, more often than not, have a sinus headache the next. So I let it go too long and when I finally break down and do it, it's even more horrible. I will gladly do every other chore if Alan will dust, but luckily for me, he volunteered for dust duty before I even got round to trying to bribe him (he's a wonderful husband). I cleaned the bathrooms last week, he did it this week when he was off work and I wasn't; we both vacuumed although I'm happy to do that so long as - dust again - he is responsible for emptying the crap-catcher. Hmm, I honestly don't know what you call that - we have a bagless vac so it's got a plastic dish thingy with a hepa filter.
This was working out fairly well, though it was no substitute for The Sainted Miss Betty, but the laundry was piling up. Now, however, Alan has enrolled in a technical writing class at a local college, which starts tomorrow, so I figured that it was only right and fair that I pick up more of the domestic chores. Hence, my attempt tonight at laundry.
Pre-Miss-Betty, my method was to use the washer itself as a dirty clothes hamper; when it got full, I'd add soap, turn it on and hope for the best. But tonight, I have actually sorted things into piles of white/pale colours, bright colours and darks/jeans. My only gripe about the laundry is that it takes too danged long to do. By the time a garment is finally done from start to finish, I'm so tired of the whole chore that I don't even want to put it away. I figure I'll leave it hanging in the laundry room until I need it, by which time I will of course forgotten that I left it somewhere and wind up wearing a Members Only jacket to work because I can't locate a clean sweater. Which could happen - I actually have one.
Even as I blog, I keep thinking the washer is finished, because it goes still and quiet, so I keep getting up and going into the utility room to switch it to the dryer, and finding out that it has merely paused for breath in between what seems to be several hundred stages in this process. Then once I finally have it in the dryer, as happened last night, I'll think it's done and start folding, only to come across a still-damp item.
Aaagh, the folding! Don't even get me started on the folding! That's the part that really wears me out. In the interest of full disclosure, this is because I am not a normal person, being in possession of a few anal-retentive quirks. (HA! A "few"!) It is a family joke that I have CDO - that's like OCD, but in alphabetical order, as it should be. So the folding is a very arduous process. Each of Alan's t-shirts and underpants must be rolled in a certain way but NEVER folded, because rolling results in zero wrinkles, particularly if one is careful with hems, whereas folding creates wrinkles; whether this is because I am the child of a military man or - ha-HA! me, iron?!? it is to laugh! You be the judge. Each corner and edge of things like sheets and pillowcases must be precisely aligned, the toes of socks must be exactly even before the tops are rolled together, the legs of Alan's jeans must be 100% parallel before being placed on a hanger (at which point the jeans portions on either side of the hanger must be equal) - all of this must happen, or it really, really upsets me. I know - I should seek help.

I took this picture to illustrate a properly folded pillowcase versus an improperly folded pillowcase, and had to re-fold it before I could load the picture and finish blogging. It made me itchy just knowing it was sitting there BEING WRONG.
As long as I'm confessing, I should add that, once the folding is finished, it is OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE that the clothes be placed properly in the drawers. For example, the little rolls of Alan's underpants must be placed with the

<---- Alan's underpants. But not all of them because some of them are being laundered. BY ME. RIGHT. THIS. MINUTE.
You would be terribly allergic to my home, I'm afraid. Between the actual dust and all the improperly folded stuff you would be all stuffed up, itchy, and miserable.
But your post still made me laugh.
Anonymous, at 12:10 AM
Well, if I made you laugh then my work here is done.
But it's weird the things that do and DO NOT bother me. Like I wrote, I hate it if the laundry is irregularly folded, but at any given moment there are 10 - 12 doggy/kitty toys strewn all over the floor, which doesn't upset me in the slightest. I HATE! HATE! HATE! it when cans in the cupboard aren't turned label-front, but it doesn't bother me at all if there is unopened mail strewn across Alan's desk...weirdness on top of quirkiness, I suppose. But hey, I gotta be me.
Helly, at 12:24 AM
Haha! I'm with you on the folding of the laundry. It's my least favorite part, but I love the process of making clothes clean. It soothes me.
A Margarita, at 11:16 AM
LOL i wonder if your husband has any idea that there's a photo of his underwear on the net for public display.
I love it!
I also loved your comment on margarita's blog about quadro boob. The only thing I hate worse than that is the popular padding most bras have these days. Can they at least make it removable? It takes me forever to find a bra without it and when I do it's looks like something I inherited from a grandmother. wonderful.
Metamorfose Ambulante, at 12:26 AM
Thanks for your comment! Haha, yes, he knows the internet can see his underwear. He's one of my most faithful readers. His only stipulation is that I cannot post pictures of his underwear while he's in it. :-)
And I'm with you on the bras. I had to buy some new ones recently and it was not fun. Victoria's Secret is apparently making them out of
carpet padding now, instead of cloth. UGH!
Helly, at 9:04 AM
Even though it looks like I don't enjoy laundry because we have a whole mess of it piled up and ready to be done, I actually kind of like doing laundry. I like the lovely clean smell of the downstairs, and then the closet upstairs when I've brought stuff up. Ooooh, and the smell of clean sheets is yummy. If I was rich and had a live-in maid, I'd have clean sheets every day.
You've inspired me. I'm now going to go downstairs and do some laundry.
My mom got my dad to give her a fancy LG washer/dryer set for Chrismukkah...and for my brother to paint the laundry room as his gift to her. I'm jealous. Although, because she has to use special detergent, she's giving me her extra Tide. Since she generally shops at Costco for stuff like that, it's probably one o' them jumbo containers. Whoo hoo!
Anonymous, at 8:56 PM
Even though I do get tired of it, because it's one of those tasks that never ends (as soon as it's done, there is more of it to do) I don't think there is any better feeling in the world than fresh, crisp, clean sheets. (And no better smell, either, except for wee baby puppy smell. Tiny fresh puppies are better than anything.)
Helly, at 10:19 PM
It occurs to me that now the whole entire intarweb (or at least that portion which reads my blog) now knows if my husband is a boxers vs. briefs man. Wear 'em PROUDLY, honeybunch!
(It's his birthday today. I love him. I didn't get him any new underpants, but I love him.)
Helly, at 10:37 PM
Damn, and I only got him a ninja. No underpants. Hey, even though I have no desire to buy Alan (nor anyone else, 'cept me) any underpants, it's nice that as a gay chick, I can do it and it wouldn't affect our friendship. Well, except you'd think it was strange, but you wouldn't think I was tryin' to steal your man.
I don't understand how men can wear boxers under any pants, other than very baggy pants, because it seems like they would bunch up and be really uncomfortable. If I was a man, I think I'd wear boxer briefs, because they look tight enough to not bunch. If I was a man, I'd wear these, and pray that this is what my body looked liked too -
P.S. What happened to the "notify by email" when there are more comments after my comment?
Anonymous, at 4:34 AM
I still see the e-mail notification. But if you mean you still see it, check the box and nothing happens, I got no clue. Blogger mystifies me. Actually, HTML in general mystifies me so that's why I daren't branch out to anything complicated.
Helly, at 12:29 PM
Sars from Tomato Nation wrote an essay back in 2002 that kind of sounds like she does laundry the way you do laundry. I find it hilarious and it's still one of my favorites out of all the stuff she's written over the years.
Palm Tree Undies in Zombie Town.
The style of this particular essay is a little disjointed but I think once you get used to it you will be rolling on the floor.
Phil C., at 10:29 PM
Phil, thank you for the link. That was HYSTERICALLY funny. And you're right - I can relate!
Helly, at 10:21 PM
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