It snowed last evening in Atlanta. It didn't stick around long, eventually turning to sleet and freezing rain in the wee hours, but it was pretty. Alan took this photo of our camellia bush. I credit Heather who visited until Tuesday and probably left us a little souvenir of Canada.
I took several pictures with my cameraphone during my commute home; even though it wasn't really accumulating, the snow was falling hard and fast - at least by my Southern estimation. They didn't turn out that great, though - sometimes my cameraphone takes pix almost as good as a normal digital and other times not. Here is the sky over Capitol Avenue, and in the other you can see some big fat flakes, though not as many as I could see at the time I took the photo.

I like snow. I think if I lived somewhere that it stayed for months, and I had to dig out and drive and work no matter how nasty it was outside, I would tire of it, but as a treat once every couple of years, it's wonderful.
I took several pictures with my cameraphone during my commute home; even though it wasn't really accumulating, the snow was falling hard and fast - at least by my Southern estimation. They didn't turn out that great, though - sometimes my cameraphone takes pix almost as good as a normal digital and other times not. Here is the sky over Capitol Avenue, and in the other you can see some big fat flakes, though not as many as I could see at the time I took the photo.

The snow certainly was lovely to look at, while it lasted! At one point, the snow was coming down so hard and thick that when I stood on the back porch, I couldn't see the shop building! On the front, from the porch, the road wasn't visible! WOW.
There was a serenity and hush after the snowfall stopped - around nine pm - the outside world was wrapped (thinly) in a soft white blanket.
Anonymous, at 8:41 AM
Oooo, it sounds and looks so pretty! I'm a little jealous. The meteorologists have been promising snow ALL WEEK. Yesterday we had "wet" snow, which was really rain. I agree - if I lived in a place where I had to drive in snow I think I'd hate it but since I see it so rarely, it's still a novelty.
A Margarita, at 11:47 AM
I would have enjoyed it a whole lot better if the superintendent had closed the schools. That's the whole point of snow!
Anonymous Me, at 10:12 PM
I've lived in snow-prone climates for 37 of my 43 years. I'm glad to see your excitement about stuff I would rather not see (except on Christmas).
However, I get really excited when it gets above 90 degrees in the summer. Everyone thinks I'm crazy but I love warm weather.
basil, at 7:24 PM
I'm sure if I lived elsewhere - say, Chicago - that my love of snow would soon evaporate (ow - the puns - they are awful!) but when it is observed as a lovely wonder that shuts the city down for a day or two, and it isn't a PITA so much as a delight, well, I *heart* it. I *heart* it so much!!!
Helly, at 12:16 AM
I love when it snows here. We get a lovely tiny blanket of it, and then it's gone as soon as you've taken a whole bunch of pictures.
We had snow in our forecast for Wednesday...and I was crushed when I discovered that the forecast had changed and the storm moved elsewhere. I want some snow, dammit! We had two minutes of snow at the end of December, and I would've missed it if I wasn't taking the trash out that night. I want a whole day of it.
We were looking at a house for sale in Maryland (10 minutes away from Leigh-Ann's brother in PA) - it's a great deal (and it snows), but the house is kind of small and not overly pretty(although it snows), although the yard is 4.64!!! acres...with a creek & deer! (and snow) It's a great price, and the person moving out (Leigh-Ann was trying to help her place her cat because they're moving to Chile) said that the owner would give a deal to people who had a rescue. Hey, that's us!
I'd really love to move (and stay here at the same time because our area is growing fast and getting lots of cool things) and have new experiences, but my family really wants me to stay here...and moving would be so expensive, blah, blah, blah. The mortgage on the MD house would be so much smaller and eventually our financial stress level would drop substantially. Seriously, it's renting for $1200, which is like pocket change compared to our current stupid mortgage. (I'm writing this here, because my parents won't see it - they don't like when I post about moving)
Here, check out the place - we could all live here and have a compound, with an entertainment area with an awesome theater set up in the middle...for watching hockey games.
Anonymous, at 9:14 PM
Maybe when we move, which we shall certainly, sometime, this house has been on the market 5 months, I should buy a big enough spread for all of us. We could switch off pet-sitting! (seriously, you don't know how much I'd love that)
Helly, at 10:23 PM
That would be excellent!
Anonymous, at 4:35 AM
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