Well, I'm not succeeding very well at my...intention, I suppose - I don't know that it qualifies as an actual resolution, to post more regularly during the new year. Sixteen days into 2008 and this is only my seventh post - not very impressive.
I've had a very good time the last few days, but I don't know that it makes particularly interesting reading. K'vitsh came down from Canuckistan to visit for a whole week, staying with Nancy. Friday night she went to the Dresden Dolls concert, held at a venue kinda near my house, and while she was thus engaged Nancy and Mark hung out with me, having snacks and playing video games (poor Alan had to work). Saturday morning he and I headed for Athens; we stayed at our favorite downtown hotel Saturday night so we had all afternoon/evening Saturday and all day Sunday to spend with our friends. It was great to see Heather - she looked FAB. I wish she lived closer so we could get together more often.
One funny thing that happened this weekend was my apparent transformation into DESTRUCTO-WOMAN. After checking into our hotel, I was exploring the room: reading the little cards left here and there regarding available services, checking out the room service menu, examining the note pads and pens, noting the complimentary bath products - just reviewing the amenities. In each room there is an armoire that has two small overhead cabinets, a microwave, a faux-marble countertop with coffeemaker, ice bucket, etc., then below that the mini-fridge with a cabinet alongside. In the space between the mini-fridge and the countertop there was a piece of wood matching the fronts of the cabinets and it was kinda askew. I pulled open this "drawer" to see what was inside, just being curious as part of my inventory.
Alan looked over to find not a drawer but a piece of trim from the front of the armoire lying on the floor at my feet. Oopsie! "My sweetie, breaking the Hilton!" he laughed.
Further investigation revealed that it attached to the armoire with magnets, I suppose so they could change it out easily as it became scuffed and worn. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought when the piece of wood came off in my hand.
No further destruction was wrought until late that night, after my bubble bath. I'm not a showery sort of person; I love the bubble baths. So I had one, and after I was sufficiently cleansed, I stood up and reached to pull up the bath stopper. And the little metal knob came off in my hand!
It looked as though it would screw on but I couldn't get it to grab, mainly because I couldn't see what I was doing through soapy water and leftover bubbles. I tried to lift the stopper with my nails but it kept falling back down. At a loss as to how to drain the tub, I toweled off, dressed and emerged into the main part of the room. I held up the shiny metal knob for Alan's inspection and said, "Ummm....I kinda broke the bathroom."
Eventually, I was able to fix it by wedging the stopper open, draining the water and re-screwing on the knob, so all was well. Mark says I should have billed them for maintenance. He also told us a funny story about a former workplace, where there was a wonky drawer which they labeled "PORN". They had many a laugh at whatever n00b tried to open it and caused the drawer to come crashing down - "Why'd you open that drawer anyway? What were you looking for?" Heh heh.
I've had a very good time the last few days, but I don't know that it makes particularly interesting reading. K'vitsh came down from Canuckistan to visit for a whole week, staying with Nancy. Friday night she went to the Dresden Dolls concert, held at a venue kinda near my house, and while she was thus engaged Nancy and Mark hung out with me, having snacks and playing video games (poor Alan had to work). Saturday morning he and I headed for Athens; we stayed at our favorite downtown hotel Saturday night so we had all afternoon/evening Saturday and all day Sunday to spend with our friends. It was great to see Heather - she looked FAB. I wish she lived closer so we could get together more often.
One funny thing that happened this weekend was my apparent transformation into DESTRUCTO-WOMAN. After checking into our hotel, I was exploring the room: reading the little cards left here and there regarding available services, checking out the room service menu, examining the note pads and pens, noting the complimentary bath products - just reviewing the amenities. In each room there is an armoire that has two small overhead cabinets, a microwave, a faux-marble countertop with coffeemaker, ice bucket, etc., then below that the mini-fridge with a cabinet alongside. In the space between the mini-fridge and the countertop there was a piece of wood matching the fronts of the cabinets and it was kinda askew. I pulled open this "drawer" to see what was inside, just being curious as part of my inventory.
Alan looked over to find not a drawer but a piece of trim from the front of the armoire lying on the floor at my feet. Oopsie! "My sweetie, breaking the Hilton!" he laughed.
Further investigation revealed that it attached to the armoire with magnets, I suppose so they could change it out easily as it became scuffed and worn. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought when the piece of wood came off in my hand.
No further destruction was wrought until late that night, after my bubble bath. I'm not a showery sort of person; I love the bubble baths. So I had one, and after I was sufficiently cleansed, I stood up and reached to pull up the bath stopper. And the little metal knob came off in my hand!
It looked as though it would screw on but I couldn't get it to grab, mainly because I couldn't see what I was doing through soapy water and leftover bubbles. I tried to lift the stopper with my nails but it kept falling back down. At a loss as to how to drain the tub, I toweled off, dressed and emerged into the main part of the room. I held up the shiny metal knob for Alan's inspection and said, "Ummm....I kinda broke the bathroom."
Eventually, I was able to fix it by wedging the stopper open, draining the water and re-screwing on the knob, so all was well. Mark says I should have billed them for maintenance. He also told us a funny story about a former workplace, where there was a wonky drawer which they labeled "PORN". They had many a laugh at whatever n00b tried to open it and caused the drawer to come crashing down - "Why'd you open that drawer anyway? What were you looking for?" Heh heh.
Ack, I'm so behind on reading. My apologies.
But, ooooh, the Dresden Dolls concert. They're good...and interesting. You should've gone.
As for DESTRUCTO-WOMAN - seriously, only you. I mean that in a good way though, because you also tell the stories better than anyone, so it's good that it happens to you, as long as it isn't overly bad, you know.
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM
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