The vicious Shih-Tzu chomps a helpless hedgepig. Today was scalping-and-bathing day for a certain doggy. I hate doing that, not because I dislike the chore itself (I don't, particularly) but because I hate making him unhappy. He pretty much likes the bath part, but sitting still and getting trimmed? Doggy hell, that is. Poor little abused, put-upon puppy only got four steak bites to make up for the indignity.
He also got Pantene-conditioned and when he's a bit drier, he will get Front-lined and have an application of doggy cologne; it's called SPAWS and it's a nice juniper/aloe scent. It smells really good, not like 'wet dog + perfume' and you get a whiff of 'nice/clean/fresh' when he runs by, which he does a lot after suffering through a bath.
The indignity continued when Mommy decided to put his Christmas jester collar with bells on. More at Flickr. This lasted all of ten seconds once he was released, and then he was completely upside down with all four paws scrabbling trying to take it off.

Speaking of Christmas, a holiday phenomenon I have noticed over the years is the Calendar Conundrum. I don't consider a calendar a bad gift, not at all, whether a desk page-a-day style or a wall calendar - I use both - but I either get none or a handful, mostly depending on whether I buy one for myself during a holiday excursion to Border's. If I see one I like and buy it, at least three people will give me calendars at Christmas; this will be a combination of people who don't know me well, have no idea what to get me and figure, "Everyone can use a calendar!" and people who know me very well and find the perfect pictures/cartoons/sports/trivia/humour and know that I will love this particular calendar as part of my present. If, however, I don't buy one, thinking to myself, "Well, surely someone will give me at least one calendar at Christmas!", no one will and I will find myself at the end of January buying some stupid leftover calendar at Target like "Spoons of the World", "Twelve Months of Dawson's Creek", nylon polymer trivia, or 365 days of Maroon 5.

He also got Pantene-conditioned and when he's a bit drier, he will get Front-lined and have an application of doggy cologne; it's called SPAWS and it's a nice juniper/aloe scent. It smells really good, not like 'wet dog + perfume' and you get a whiff of 'nice/clean/fresh' when he runs by, which he does a lot after suffering through a bath.
The indignity continued when Mommy decided to put his Christmas jester collar with bells on. More at Flickr. This lasted all of ten seconds once he was released, and then he was completely upside down with all four paws scrabbling trying to take it off.

Speaking of Christmas, a holiday phenomenon I have noticed over the years is the Calendar Conundrum. I don't consider a calendar a bad gift, not at all, whether a desk page-a-day style or a wall calendar - I use both - but I either get none or a handful, mostly depending on whether I buy one for myself during a holiday excursion to Border's. If I see one I like and buy it, at least three people will give me calendars at Christmas; this will be a combination of people who don't know me well, have no idea what to get me and figure, "Everyone can use a calendar!" and people who know me very well and find the perfect pictures/cartoons/sports/trivia/humour and know that I will love this particular calendar as part of my present. If, however, I don't buy one, thinking to myself, "Well, surely someone will give me at least one calendar at Christmas!", no one will and I will find myself at the end of January buying some stupid leftover calendar at Target like "Spoons of the World", "Twelve Months of Dawson's Creek", nylon polymer trivia, or 365 days of Maroon 5.
oooh, Spoons!
Anonymous Me, at 9:39 PM
Isn't it funny how things always work out that way?
Shit-zhu cuteness! What a hottie! I love that jester Christmas thing.
Hershey is not a fan of the bath and perfume ritual; she gets this "woe is me" look like we're torturing her. I got new Hershey photo shoot pictures! Sadly, she was not in the mood to be photographed and refused to work it the camera.
A Margarita, at 4:41 PM
And the calendar count for this year is.... zero. So, we're off to Border's on Saturday or Sunday to see what we can find. We usually have one main calendar in the kitchen that we write appointments and reminders on, so we look for the kind with big boxes to write in. Or at least I do - my handwriting sucks, so I need plenty of space to scribble. Helly can write whole paragraphs in tiny boxes and it is still legible.
Alan Bowman, at 10:19 PM
Sprocket is anxious to see new Hershey photos. He is being very cute these days...
Helly, at 9:47 PM
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