The Hellhole

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I've noticed that a lot of bloggers have "100 things about me" lists. I was working on mine for today, but I'm only up to #73 and I have something very important to share right away. Cheryl sent me a link to Books For Soldiers, which I put on my list of links. This is a privately funded armed forces support site that ships books, DVDs and other stuff to deployed soliders as well as soldiers in VA hospitals via a volunteer network. My daddy is a veteran of the U.S. Army Special Forces and my uncle is a Navy veteran, as is Cheryl's daddy Bill. Even if there weren't a personal connection, I have nothing but the utmost respect, admiration and gratitude for the men and women of our armed forces. Please click on the link - and do something worthwhile for the people who keep you living and breathing free.


  • It only took a moment to donate. I sure wish there was an address to send used books...Bo has lots of those we could donate.

    You said what need to be said so beautifully.

    Helly's mom

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:54 PM  

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