I am grumpy. I have had a crappy Tuesday. Nothing horrific occurred - the dog, cat, and I are all still alive and in good health; it was just a crappy day. I had all sorts of plans for my workday because the World’s Greatest Boss (hereafter, the WGB) is still at the beach. I’ve heard of some people who rejoice in the boss being out of town so they can goof off, but for me it’s time to work on projects without being interrupted and diverted 10,000 times per minute. Then I remembered it was Tuesday, so none of my plans would come to fruition as Tuesday is SAMday (Stupid-Ass Meeting). My annoying co-worker once again called some issues ‘mute’ and also asked our operations manager to be more pacific. She means in more explicit detail, not more oceanic. Those things gripe my ass SO MUCH!!! AAAAG!
When I was at last paroled from the SAM, the WGB (who’d participated via speakerphone), called me to tell me every last thing that had gone on in the SAM, and all the things I was consequently supposed to do - as if I hadn’t been in there the whole freakin’ time, taking notes. By the time that call was over, it was lunch time and I had done zero, zip, zilch on the project I was gonna have so much calm, uninterrupted time for during the WGB’s vacation. I decided to call for Chinese delivery from Mandarin House because (a) they have the best hot-and-sour soup in Atlanta, (b) they usually get here in 10 minutes or less and (c) that way, I could maybe, just maybe, get some work done and not waste even more time. Of course this turned into an absolute disaster and I got my lunch after two PM, didn't eat any of it until nearly three - not that I’d suffer so much from missing a meal, it was just that wondering where it was, wondering how deeply I’d get embroiled in my project before I’d be interrupted by the delivery, wondering WTF was going on - that was exactly why I’d ordered from them, to have at least one thing go hassle-free.
This afternoon, after I’d actually done some work on the project, I had copier adventures worthy of The Three Stooges. It was sucking through 2 and 3 pages at a time, it was jamming, it was eating my original, I kept getting phone calls that interrupted me just long enough so that, when I got back to the copier, it insisted on my clearing the sorter bins before further copying, totally negating the point of USING the sorter bin to collate the damn things. Finally, I got so frustrated that I told the WGB I was done fighting with this accursed project for the afternoon and was gonna go blog instead (hence this entry). Oh, and my right contact keeps sticking to my eyelid every time I blink, despite having been removed and cleaned at least five times today.
But onward to more pleasant matters. I am pleased to report that, after much speculation and effort, I am finally able to announce that Lurch The Creepy Maintenance Guy does, in fact, have a real name: Jeffrey. Which fits him about as well as that glove fit OJ...oh...wait a minute...
I bought myself a new DVD last night, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I like Frylock. I also baked scones for Alan, in an effort to make restitution for Saturday's infliction of artichokes. I figure, if he doesn't like scones he will at least have ammunition to chuck at idiot drivers.
Sheila just came in to tell me that according to WGST, it is Bible Study Night at the Hooter’s in Kennesaw. What’s wrong with that picture???
When I was at last paroled from the SAM, the WGB (who’d participated via speakerphone), called me to tell me every last thing that had gone on in the SAM, and all the things I was consequently supposed to do - as if I hadn’t been in there the whole freakin’ time, taking notes. By the time that call was over, it was lunch time and I had done zero, zip, zilch on the project I was gonna have so much calm, uninterrupted time for during the WGB’s vacation. I decided to call for Chinese delivery from Mandarin House because (a) they have the best hot-and-sour soup in Atlanta, (b) they usually get here in 10 minutes or less and (c) that way, I could maybe, just maybe, get some work done and not waste even more time. Of course this turned into an absolute disaster and I got my lunch after two PM, didn't eat any of it until nearly three - not that I’d suffer so much from missing a meal, it was just that wondering where it was, wondering how deeply I’d get embroiled in my project before I’d be interrupted by the delivery, wondering WTF was going on - that was exactly why I’d ordered from them, to have at least one thing go hassle-free.
This afternoon, after I’d actually done some work on the project, I had copier adventures worthy of The Three Stooges. It was sucking through 2 and 3 pages at a time, it was jamming, it was eating my original, I kept getting phone calls that interrupted me just long enough so that, when I got back to the copier, it insisted on my clearing the sorter bins before further copying, totally negating the point of USING the sorter bin to collate the damn things. Finally, I got so frustrated that I told the WGB I was done fighting with this accursed project for the afternoon and was gonna go blog instead (hence this entry). Oh, and my right contact keeps sticking to my eyelid every time I blink, despite having been removed and cleaned at least five times today.
But onward to more pleasant matters. I am pleased to report that, after much speculation and effort, I am finally able to announce that Lurch The Creepy Maintenance Guy does, in fact, have a real name: Jeffrey. Which fits him about as well as that glove fit OJ...oh...wait a minute...
I bought myself a new DVD last night, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I like Frylock. I also baked scones for Alan, in an effort to make restitution for Saturday's infliction of artichokes. I figure, if he doesn't like scones he will at least have ammunition to chuck at idiot drivers.
Sheila just came in to tell me that according to WGST, it is Bible Study Night at the Hooter’s in Kennesaw. What’s wrong with that picture???
Alan chimes in to say... the scones are very good, and I won't be sharing them with any Atlanta drivers. So there. Or something.
Anonymous, at 6:42 AM
Sheila is right! The AJC had a front-page 'living' section spread on the BS Night at Hooters! Somehow, that just doesn't seem to fit to me, but what do I know?
Alan! Points for the scones comment!
Helster: baked scones! Major points (especially if you remembered to take the stored 'stuff' out of the oven before your began your baking project!) love you,
helly's mom
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM
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