I was so upset last night - for someone who has been continuously, gainfully employed for the last fifteen years and who tries assiduously to be fiscally responsible, I have the most trouble paying my bills. Well, that’s not precisely true - I have trouble getting people to acknowledge that I’ve paid my bills. Last night was a case in point. I retrieved my mail (a task I loathe, and after reading this you’ll probably understand why) and what do I find but a notice from my auto insurance company that I was being canceled for non-payment. I was upset, astounded, confused, upset, puzzled and did I mention upset? In Georgia, your car registration renews on your birthday (meaning I need to do that in the next fortnight or so), and if your insurance has been canceled, it’s kind of a problem. I had visions of untold disaster looming as I tried to correct matters.
Back in the early part of this year, I had mailed out a check to my insurance company along with all the other bills, but for whatever reason it never turned up, so I had the hassle of calling the bank to try to trace the check (did it hit, was it misposted, is it lost?), re-checking with the insurance company, resubmitting the payment, etc. Therefore, in a burst of inspiration, I decided to start paying it via phone with my debit card. I’ve done this a few times since, and that’s also how I paid it in July - except that in July, there was such a small amount remaining that I paid in full through the end of September, which is the payment that they’re canceling me for not making. AAAAAAAAAGH!
I keep my records for this sort of thing at my office, because normally places are open for business at the same time we’re open for business, so it just makes more sense to keep the stuff here. That meant that the insurance bill with the date and confirmation number written on it wasn’t at home, so all evening long I worried and fretted. I kept going over and over things in my mind, trying to think of a logical explanation for the notice. I also couldn’t figure out a way to get another payment to them in time to keep from being canceled; I had until midnight August 19 so obviously the post office was a bad idea, and as for electronic payment - well, we can see where that’s gotten me. I worried and agonized (and cried) most of the night. This morning, when at last I had the information in front of me and could call, there was the little matter of Hurricane Charlie: "All agents are busy helping other callers. Due to unexpected call volume as a result of Hurricane Charlie, wait times may be excessive." No, this couldn't happen to me any other month. AAAAAAAAAGH!
Forty minutes later (not counting on-hold minutes), we finally arrive at the truth of the matter, which is that I have paid in full through the end of September, that I have not been canceled and that the cancellation notice was mailed before the payment posted. At this point, I simply am not feeling up to pursuing why a payment posted onto my account on July 28 despite its having been made on July 19, or why Insurance Lady feels the cancellation notice was mailed prior to the July 28 posting when it’s postmarked August 6. I am simply taking comfort in their assertion that I am insured until September 29, at which point we can begin this circus anew.
I am having a bad allergy day, sniffling and sneezing, with a runny nose despite having taken my daily pill. When I feel better, I will perhaps relate Part Two of the saga of yesterday’s mail, involving a past due notice in the amount of $322.00, for charges incurred on July 13 from a doctor’s office inside which I have not set a toe since January 22, 2004 (at which time I paid my $160 bill in full - I have the receipt). Why, WHY, WHY?????
Back in the early part of this year, I had mailed out a check to my insurance company along with all the other bills, but for whatever reason it never turned up, so I had the hassle of calling the bank to try to trace the check (did it hit, was it misposted, is it lost?), re-checking with the insurance company, resubmitting the payment, etc. Therefore, in a burst of inspiration, I decided to start paying it via phone with my debit card. I’ve done this a few times since, and that’s also how I paid it in July - except that in July, there was such a small amount remaining that I paid in full through the end of September, which is the payment that they’re canceling me for not making. AAAAAAAAAGH!
I keep my records for this sort of thing at my office, because normally places are open for business at the same time we’re open for business, so it just makes more sense to keep the stuff here. That meant that the insurance bill with the date and confirmation number written on it wasn’t at home, so all evening long I worried and fretted. I kept going over and over things in my mind, trying to think of a logical explanation for the notice. I also couldn’t figure out a way to get another payment to them in time to keep from being canceled; I had until midnight August 19 so obviously the post office was a bad idea, and as for electronic payment - well, we can see where that’s gotten me. I worried and agonized (and cried) most of the night. This morning, when at last I had the information in front of me and could call, there was the little matter of Hurricane Charlie: "All agents are busy helping other callers. Due to unexpected call volume as a result of Hurricane Charlie, wait times may be excessive." No, this couldn't happen to me any other month. AAAAAAAAAGH!
Forty minutes later (not counting on-hold minutes), we finally arrive at the truth of the matter, which is that I have paid in full through the end of September, that I have not been canceled and that the cancellation notice was mailed before the payment posted. At this point, I simply am not feeling up to pursuing why a payment posted onto my account on July 28 despite its having been made on July 19, or why Insurance Lady feels the cancellation notice was mailed prior to the July 28 posting when it’s postmarked August 6. I am simply taking comfort in their assertion that I am insured until September 29, at which point we can begin this circus anew.
I am having a bad allergy day, sniffling and sneezing, with a runny nose despite having taken my daily pill. When I feel better, I will perhaps relate Part Two of the saga of yesterday’s mail, involving a past due notice in the amount of $322.00, for charges incurred on July 13 from a doctor’s office inside which I have not set a toe since January 22, 2004 (at which time I paid my $160 bill in full - I have the receipt). Why, WHY, WHY?????
Helly, I feel your pain. I won't go into details of how aggravating exorcising Bell South from our lives was, or some of the problems I'm going through with our cable company. Or American Express, who is trying to turn our account into revolving credit (you damn bastiges, the only reason I have your farging card is because I know I'll have to pay it off at the end of the month!)
Topcat, at 8:13 AM
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