On Saturday, after taking two of the pets to the vet for their annual checkup, we prepared to depart to run errands. Our garage door would open only a few inches and we were unable to raise it manually, either. Investigation revealed a broken spring. My car was trapped inside but we ran errands in Alan's, and on Monday he called for a repair. The repair company could replace the broken spring, but pointed out (accurately) many other things that were wrong with the garage door and recommended that we replace the whole thing. Our choices were replacing the spring now, and the whole thing, spring and all, in a few months, or replacing the whole thing now. So for my birthday I'm getting a new garage door instead of a trip to the lake for all of us. Yay. They did get my car out though.
Sunday, we went down to Mom's for an afternoon of grilling and conversation. My brother and his wife came down from Greenville, and our friends Matt and Tammy came over with their kids. I hadn't seen any of them in way too long; it was a good day. Yummy bratwurst, too. I really enjoyed the day. Bo's birthday is today and already I'd mailed him a card that included an iTunes gift card, but on Sunday I had another gift - it was a black canvas satchel that had "Support Our Troops" written on it, with dozens of Stormtroopers behind the words. Heh.
Yesterday and today were just the usual - work, home, dinner, bath and bed.
Sunday, we went down to Mom's for an afternoon of grilling and conversation. My brother and his wife came down from Greenville, and our friends Matt and Tammy came over with their kids. I hadn't seen any of them in way too long; it was a good day. Yummy bratwurst, too. I really enjoyed the day. Bo's birthday is today and already I'd mailed him a card that included an iTunes gift card, but on Sunday I had another gift - it was a black canvas satchel that had "Support Our Troops" written on it, with dozens of Stormtroopers behind the words. Heh.
Yesterday and today were just the usual - work, home, dinner, bath and bed.
Sometimes the "just the usual" days are the best ones.
Anonymous, at 10:42 PM
I loved your gift. I am personally glad to see you taking such a healthy interest in politics...its high time those interstellar terrorists stopped being thought of heroes and were recognized as the criminal scum they are.
Many brave troopers perished in the senseless act of vandalism and subsequent destruction of our beloved Galactic Empire's symbol of hope, The Death Star. Death, of course, referring to the tyrannical oppression brought about by these so called "knights" and their religion. Which, of course, is no match for a good blaster by your side.
Would that our troopers had more blasters that fateful day.
*sniff* now I'm all chocked up (but not in that Vader kinds of way). Thank you so much, and remember:
Vote Palpatine/Tarkin in '12.
Your life depends on it.
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM
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