Well, I feel much less of a freak now after many people (some publicly in the comments, others privately via e-mail) confessed to doing pet voices and having their pets "say" things.
Kung Fu Panda came out recently so Monday or Tuesday I stopped at Best Buy for a copy. I got the one with the bonus disc, Secrets of the Furious Five. There was a large display nearby which made me realize we were behind on Dreamworks/Pixar stuff so I also picked up: Cars, Madagascar and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Kung Fu Panda was funny and cute; not the greatest or most heartwarming offering ever from Dreamworks, but definitely entertaining. Cars I thought was more peaks and valleys - hilarious and exciting at points but deadly boring at others. The cars themselves were really cute though, and I loved the guest voices (especially a certain one at Luigi's garage at the very end). I liked Madagascar a lot - "you got to move it, move it!" and the mutiny-plotting penguins - "Embarking into hostile environment! Kowalski!" I haven't watched the Star Wars one yet.
Great quote from Alan today, en route to the grocery store: "Ah, squirrels. Nature's speed bumps."
Great quote from Marcel Marceau: " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
Also today, we were shopping for new sweatshirts for Alan, since colder weather is approaching. At Old Navy, we were walking past the kidlet section when he spied this t-shirt hanging on a wall display which read, "Voted Most Likely To Squish Things". He stopped, pointed and said, "OMG, that would be so perfect for --" "BRENDEN!" I joined in. We were going to buy one and send it to Sandy, but even though we looked through TONS of t-shirts, it seemed that the only one like that was the one displayed, which would have been way too small. I'm on a mission to find that shirt.
Lastly, what may be the greatest photograph I've ever seen: The Shrub doing the Shocker. Courtesy of Mark (Mr. Nancy). Life is good.
Well, I feel much less of a freak now after many people (some publicly in the comments, others privately via e-mail) confessed to doing pet voices and having their pets "say" things.
Kung Fu Panda came out recently so Monday or Tuesday I stopped at Best Buy for a copy. I got the one with the bonus disc, Secrets of the Furious Five. There was a large display nearby which made me realize we were behind on Dreamworks/Pixar stuff so I also picked up: Cars, Madagascar and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Kung Fu Panda was funny and cute; not the greatest or most heartwarming offering ever from Dreamworks, but definitely entertaining. Cars I thought was more peaks and valleys - hilarious and exciting at points but deadly boring at others. The cars themselves were really cute though, and I loved the guest voices (especially a certain one at Luigi's garage at the very end). I liked Madagascar a lot - "you got to move it, move it!" and the mutiny-plotting penguins - "Embarking into hostile environment! Kowalski!" I haven't watched the Star Wars one yet.
Great quote from Alan today, en route to the grocery store: "Ah, squirrels. Nature's speed bumps."
Great quote from Marcel Marceau: " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
Also today, we were shopping for new sweatshirts for Alan, since colder weather is approaching. At Old Navy, we were walking past the kidlet section when he spied this t-shirt hanging on a wall display which read, "Voted Most Likely To Squish Things". He stopped, pointed and said, "OMG, that would be so perfect for --" "BRENDEN!" I joined in. We were going to buy one and send it to Sandy, but even though we looked through TONS of t-shirts, it seemed that the only one like that was the one displayed, which would have been way too small. I'm on a mission to find that shirt.
Lastly, what may be the greatest photograph I've ever seen: The Shrub doing the Shocker. Courtesy of Mark (Mr. Nancy). Life is good.

I wasn't too impressed with Kung Fu Panda either, but I <3 Madagascar. I'm surprised it wasn't more popular. I hear the sequel is pretty funny too.
A Margarita, at 1:31 PM
I want to know which one of the Bush twins gets to explain to Dad what he's doing there. And that fat guy on the right - you know that he's going to be laughing about this for the rest of his life.
Alan Bowman, at 2:58 PM
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