In honor of Hallowe'en, the all time best EVAH punkin photo on the intarweb. Stolen from a Fark thread.
If you don't get why it's hysterically funny, I'm sorry - I can't help you, but (a) you should spend more time reading Fark; and (b) this guy.
Those of you with pets, do you get them Hallowe'en costumes? Sprocket has a couple: a red cap with soft stuffed devil horns and a black satiny cape for when he's Count Sprockula. This is Mister Fusspot's first Hallowe'en - here is his very first costume:

He is dressed up as Serial Killer Puppeh. See, it is scary because he looks just like a normal puppeh-next-door.

If you don't get why it's hysterically funny, I'm sorry - I can't help you, but (a) you should spend more time reading Fark; and (b) this guy.
Those of you with pets, do you get them Hallowe'en costumes? Sprocket has a couple: a red cap with soft stuffed devil horns and a black satiny cape for when he's Count Sprockula. This is Mister Fusspot's first Hallowe'en - here is his very first costume:

He is dressed up as Serial Killer Puppeh. See, it is scary because he looks just like a normal puppeh-next-door.
Ahhhh, puppies in costume!!! Oh my goodness, you found the way to my heart!
Fusspot is totally scary! I can totally see him lurking behind corners stalking his prey.
A Margarita, at 10:09 AM
Topcat, at 9:44 PM
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