I will be so glad when this election is over. Here in Georgia we are having a hotly contested senatorial race and you see at least one, if not both, candidates' commercials during every. single. commercial break. They are getting more and more nasty with the sniping at one another, too. I heard a radio deejay say this afternoon, in reference to the increasing bitchiness of the commercials, "I had no idea fourteen year old girls could run for Senate!" He's not kidding, either. If this election was going on for another week or so, we'd be down to, "Jim Martin's favorite hobby is kicking puppies!" and "Saxby Chambliss eats kittens for breakfast!" GAH.
Instead of the "V" chip, I want a "P" chip - "P" for Politics. I want to be able to program it so that once you've voted (you can vote early in Georgia) you don't have to watch any more political commercials. Instead you'd get 30 seconds of cute puppies and kitties romping around together. If this could be applied to the radio and robo-calls, that would be even better.
I guess the one good thing about American politics is that at least the leader of our country doesn't eat babies.
Alan Bowman, at 9:26 PM
Love the P-chip idea!!!!!! best day of the year.....Nov. 5th!!
John Bryson, at 3:20 AM
Saxby and JM send out those nice mailings, too! JM supports old people, women and children. Saxby Chambliss wants to raise sales tax to 23 percent!
Saxby Chambliss doesn't even seem like a real name!
nice blog. I came here via "Auto. of my Feet."
Fermi, at 3:41 AM
Enough about the election, eh?
I posted a video of my day yesterday and thought you might appreciate my pantry organizing.
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM
Enough about the election, eh?
I posted a video of my day yesterday and thought you might appreciate my pantry organizing.
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM
Oh, but Saxby Chamblis DOES eat kittens. Just thought you should know.
(my captcha was "hablemi", which sounds like an expression of some sort - Hablemi!)
Anonymous, at 6:36 AM
er, Chambliss - I cheated him out of an "s", not that his name isn't silly enough for it to matter.
Anonymous, at 6:37 AM
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