Last evening we met with our new real estate agent, and I really like him. He's hysterically funny; talking about the number of foreclosures of extremely nice houses on the market, "Oh, I'll steal you a house! I'll STEAL you a house!" I hope so, because theft is about my only option in this market. We're not going to make much from the sale of The Hellhole 1.0, I'm afraid. But my fingers are crossed.
I felt badly yesterday - a weird sort of feeling that I couldn't pinpoint. I didn't have a sinus headache, but I almost did, I wasn't nauseous but I felt that I might be any moment, I didn't have other intestinal complaints but I felt like I could - it was very odd. Nothing was really wrong, but I felt like any number of issues were threatening. Once we got home from meeting with New Agent, I curled on the couch, refused dinner, and was asleep on the couch by 9:30. When Alan tried to rouse me for my bath, I didn't even bother, I just went to bed. I'm better today, however. (And cleaner - I've already had a bubble bath and washed my hair.)
We have had a lot of rain thanks to Hurricane? Tropical Storm? Depression? Rainy Bitch Fay, and there was a tornado warning out for several areas I have to drive through on my morning commute, so I called The Boss and didn't leave until things had calmed a bit. It still rained very heavily, off and on all day.
So, that's the sad state to which my blog has been reduced: weather reports. I will leave you with a joke.
A husband was going to help his wife by doing the laundry. He yelled, "Where's the detergent?"
"On the shelf above the washing machine!" she replied.
"Where's the fabric softener?"
"On the shelf beside the detergent!"
"What setting do I use?"
"Well, what's it say on your shirts?"
"University of Florida!"
/a little SEC humour, especially for my brother - who went to UGA
I felt badly yesterday - a weird sort of feeling that I couldn't pinpoint. I didn't have a sinus headache, but I almost did, I wasn't nauseous but I felt that I might be any moment, I didn't have other intestinal complaints but I felt like I could - it was very odd. Nothing was really wrong, but I felt like any number of issues were threatening. Once we got home from meeting with New Agent, I curled on the couch, refused dinner, and was asleep on the couch by 9:30. When Alan tried to rouse me for my bath, I didn't even bother, I just went to bed. I'm better today, however. (And cleaner - I've already had a bubble bath and washed my hair.)
We have had a lot of rain thanks to Hurricane? Tropical Storm? Depression? Rainy Bitch Fay, and there was a tornado warning out for several areas I have to drive through on my morning commute, so I called The Boss and didn't leave until things had calmed a bit. It still rained very heavily, off and on all day.
So, that's the sad state to which my blog has been reduced: weather reports. I will leave you with a joke.
A husband was going to help his wife by doing the laundry. He yelled, "Where's the detergent?"
"On the shelf above the washing machine!" she replied.
"Where's the fabric softener?"
"On the shelf beside the detergent!"
"What setting do I use?"
"Well, what's it say on your shirts?"
"University of Florida!"
/a little SEC humour, especially for my brother - who went to UGA
Hehe, I take it that's a sport reference?
A Margarita, at 8:06 PM
Yes. UGA and University of Florida are big rivals in the Southeastern Conference.
I am a Notre Dame fan myself, though I didn't get to go there. Went to Georgia State and then Catholic University of America.
Catholic schoolgirls RULE!!!
Helly, at 8:09 PM
I still don't get it.
Anonymous, at 11:39 PM
oh man, you get ROUSED for a nightly bath? who are ya, Scarlett O'Hara?
(don't answer that).
Fay was almost as bitchy as Frances, 4 years ago. It hovered over S. FL for a good 36 hours as a cat. 2 then 1. I had a new baby and was living down there at that time, and let me tell ya, it was a first class BEE-OTCH. Nothing like getting through a non-moving hurricane w/a two-week old baby and no electricity for (subsequently) 4 weeks! in Florida. In August! yea.
Anonymous, at 6:58 AM
p.s. aaah, i see from your comments you went to Catholic U. in D.C. my old stomping grounds for two decades. you ought to see Brookland now; one word: gentrification baby! Ok that's two.
Anonymous, at 7:00 AM
Swine, that adventure in Florida sounds like so much UN-fun!
And I only got roused for my bath because I was feeling badly and napping on the couch - normally I can perform my ablutions on my own. But you can TOTALLY call me Miss Scarlett! :-)
Helly, at 8:53 AM
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