What with all the football-related excitement going on, I totally neglected to tell you guys about The Flooding of The Hellhole! Saturday night, after going out to dinner for Alan's birthday, we returned home and he decided to do a load of laundry since we'd be gone most of Sunday visiting my mom, brother and sister-in-law. So he sorted out a load and nothing seemed amiss at first but then water started pouring out of the front/bottom of the washing machine! We turned it off but water kept draining out of the inside basket onto the floor, requiring many towels - which sucked because we couldn't wash them, as evidently there was a problem.
Alan checked the hoses connecting the washer to the water lines but all seemed well. I telephoned Sears at 10:30PM to seek repairs. In the meantime, we had a problem: a large-capacity washer full of some sodden, some moist and some dry clothes, liberally sprinkled with liquid Tide. We didn't want to throw 'em in the dryer because of the soap, so we left the clothes there and the next day treated Mom to a flashback of us as college students: arriving home for the weekend with garbage bags full of dirty laundry.
Because of work schedules versus available repair times, it wasn't until today that it was fixed. Something - a coin, a nail, a pen - had gotten down into the water pump and been spinning around, gradually wearing away the plastic until the pump had 4 holes (2 big, 1 medium, 1 small) in it. So it had to be replaced.
Faithful readers may have realized - as did I - that this disaster occurred barely a week after my Friday night laundry marathon. It is quite clearly an omen! This is a sign that I should go nowhere near the laundry room and leave this to others. It is not being lazy, it is properly recognizing the signs that Fate is sending. Alan, being nowhere near the practiced, gifted augur that I am, was difficult to convince.
"So let me get this straight. Because of the fuel pump failure, I'm no longer allowed to drive your car, and because the washer assploded, you're no longer allowed to do laundry."
"Yes. That's right."
"I don't like where this is going. I don't like it at all."
"It's out of my hands. The Fates have spoken."
Alan checked the hoses connecting the washer to the water lines but all seemed well. I telephoned Sears at 10:30PM to seek repairs. In the meantime, we had a problem: a large-capacity washer full of some sodden, some moist and some dry clothes, liberally sprinkled with liquid Tide. We didn't want to throw 'em in the dryer because of the soap, so we left the clothes there and the next day treated Mom to a flashback of us as college students: arriving home for the weekend with garbage bags full of dirty laundry.
Because of work schedules versus available repair times, it wasn't until today that it was fixed. Something - a coin, a nail, a pen - had gotten down into the water pump and been spinning around, gradually wearing away the plastic until the pump had 4 holes (2 big, 1 medium, 1 small) in it. So it had to be replaced.
Faithful readers may have realized - as did I - that this disaster occurred barely a week after my Friday night laundry marathon. It is quite clearly an omen! This is a sign that I should go nowhere near the laundry room and leave this to others. It is not being lazy, it is properly recognizing the signs that Fate is sending. Alan, being nowhere near the practiced, gifted augur that I am, was difficult to convince.
"So let me get this straight. Because of the fuel pump failure, I'm no longer allowed to drive your car, and because the washer assploded, you're no longer allowed to do laundry."
"Yes. That's right."
"I don't like where this is going. I don't like it at all."
"It's out of my hands. The Fates have spoken."
Lol, I think it makes perfect sense. Your logic is indisputable.
A Margarita, at 10:30 AM
Alan! Listen to her! She sees all, knows all...
I like flashbacks....
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM
Ha.. What she neglects to mention is that I drive her car maybe 4 times a year. But the laundry seems to pile up on a weekly basis. I see what you did there...
Alan Bowman, at 5:08 PM
You know, We recently took to calling the car Christine because whenever Will drove it, something would go horribly wrong. In fact, the car, from being in absolutely perfect condition, broke down to a terrifying piece of crap the very night I drove home with Will. So we just decided to avoid Will driving it.
So I can see how that would happen.
And so we've sold the car.
I am in no way hinting that you guys should.
I'm just saying that we did. And we're happy. Now, of course, we need to buy ourselves some other car. Which, I am sure, will bring about other problems.
Because you are never done.
Yes, avoid the washing machine. It's just a good plan overall.
Anonymous, at 5:23 PM
Oh. My. God. I had serious empathy with the flooding aspect of things given my office flooding a couple of weeks ago. I agree that you need to avoid the entire laundry issue altogether, Helly. :-).
basil, at 7:38 PM
See, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout. When it's obvious one is no good at something (me, laundry) it is better to leave it to the experts. I'm just sayin'.
Mostly I quite like my car and 95% of the time, it is fine. It just seems that the few times something DOES go wrong, it is just after Alan has driven it on a long trip. Coincidence? I think not.
Helly, at 9:10 PM
Would this be a bad time to gloat- I just recieved my brand new top of the line Samsung front load washer and dryer!!!!! You can come over and do laundry at our house!
elizasmom, at 5:41 PM
Go ahead, Keelyn - rub it in! Rub it in!
Helly, at 7:30 PM
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