Well I'll be damned. The New York Giants won the Super Bowl! The Parseghian Principle holds true for another year, although I was personally wrong. I should not have deviated from The Principle! I of all people should have known better - The Principle is of my own invention! I stand accused by The Husband of being blinded by Tom Brady love, which is valid in that he was mostly responsible for me staying at or near the top of my Fantasy Football league this year. coughuntiltheplayoffscough But that's not it, really - I do believe in the Parseghian Principle. I went against The Principle this year mostly out of fear of the NY Giants - they are the only team that's burned me before, and I wanted to demonstrate that I'd learned my lesson.
Now that the Parseghian Principle has proven true YET AGAIN, 3 Notre Dame players to none = Super Bowl victory, I am forced to conclude that 2001 was not a New York Giants anomaly, but rather a Baltimore Ravens anomaly. You realize, of course, what this means. Next year, the Ravens will wind up in the Super Bowl and regardless of how many Fightin' Irish are on their roster, I will again be conflicted as to how to pick, because they are the blemish which keeps The Principle from a perfect record. And either way I go, they'll screw me. That's how they roll.
But it was a pretty good game this year; I don't think anyone expected it to be as close as it was and Las Vegas was solidly against the outcome, though most people I talked to thought 12 - the last points line I heard - was excessive. Heh - turns out that was more than correct. I'm just glad the Parseghian Principle has yet another year of correct predictions to its credit, though I am kicking my stupid self for publicly picking against it. Still and all, congrats Eli, Plaxico, Strahan - you earned it, ENJOY!
Now that the Parseghian Principle has proven true YET AGAIN, 3 Notre Dame players to none = Super Bowl victory, I am forced to conclude that 2001 was not a New York Giants anomaly, but rather a Baltimore Ravens anomaly. You realize, of course, what this means. Next year, the Ravens will wind up in the Super Bowl and regardless of how many Fightin' Irish are on their roster, I will again be conflicted as to how to pick, because they are the blemish which keeps The Principle from a perfect record. And either way I go, they'll screw me. That's how they roll.
But it was a pretty good game this year; I don't think anyone expected it to be as close as it was and Las Vegas was solidly against the outcome, though most people I talked to thought 12 - the last points line I heard - was excessive. Heh - turns out that was more than correct. I'm just glad the Parseghian Principle has yet another year of correct predictions to its credit, though I am kicking my stupid self for publicly picking against it. Still and all, congrats Eli, Plaxico, Strahan - you earned it, ENJOY!
Archie's boy done good and I was so happy for Strahan, and even for Plaxico..
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM
Did your tele last through the whole game?
Anonymous, at 11:21 AM
Yes, it was fine all day Sunday. It's only doing the wonky picture thing to torture me.
Helly, at 12:32 PM
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