I'm at a crucial moment in Fantasy Football. Right now, I'm losing by 4.06 points but my opponent is done for the week and I still have one guy left, playing tonight in Monday Night Football. Nate Burleson, wide receiver for Seattle. If he can score a handful of points or more, I will win. I want very much to win.
I want very much to have a funny blog entry, too, but today was a typical groan, groan, back-to-work Monday. Nothing particularly unpleasant happened, but I wish I'd spent it curled up on the couch with a glass of red wine and the husband close by. Too bad I can't find a job that pays me to do that, eh?
ETA: I won! I won! I won at Fantasy Football. While watching the game, I didn't think I was going to because, although Seattle was throwing on a lot of downs, they were using multiple receivers. Since he was sharing time/duties with so many other receivers, I didn't think Nate was going to get enough yards to carry me through - but he did! He earned me 5.1 fantasy points so I won by the teeny, tiny margin of 1.04 points. This brings me to 8-2, leading the league! Fantasy Football makes me happy.
I want very much to have a funny blog entry, too, but today was a typical groan, groan, back-to-work Monday. Nothing particularly unpleasant happened, but I wish I'd spent it curled up on the couch with a glass of red wine and the husband close by. Too bad I can't find a job that pays me to do that, eh?
ETA: I won! I won! I won at Fantasy Football. While watching the game, I didn't think I was going to because, although Seattle was throwing on a lot of downs, they were using multiple receivers. Since he was sharing time/duties with so many other receivers, I didn't think Nate was going to get enough yards to carry me through - but he did! He earned me 5.1 fantasy points so I won by the teeny, tiny margin of 1.04 points. This brings me to 8-2, leading the league! Fantasy Football makes me happy.
My day was pretty much the same.
Anonymous Me, at 9:06 PM
The radio news said Seattle won; how did your player do? Are you winning FF now?
Inquiring minds want to know...
Anonymous, at 9:03 AM
I've updated my post with Fantasy Football results. Yes, I won - barely squeaked by, but a W is a W!
Helly, at 9:38 AM
If you ever find a job that lets you sit on the couch and drink red wine, I want to know pronto. I'm having visions of myself as the CEO of Red Wine Drinkers R' Us.
A Margarita, at 9:43 AM
It's a shame, isn't it? Our greatest talent is being wasted in Corporate America.
Helly, at 11:12 AM
Concatulations! on the FF win!
Iz so pwoud!
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
Something happened on Fantasy Football but I don't know what. It showed me winning and 'final' but now it's changed me down to 103.88 so I lost. I don't get it - it said final.
Helly, at 1:35 PM
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