Last night the Colts won the Super Bowl, bringing my prediction accuracy using the Parseghian Principleā¢ to 90%. Take that, bitches! When will ESPN recognize my talents and offer me large sums of money to pontificate on their network?!? WHEN?!? Honestly, I was emotionally hoping Da Bears would win but intellectually, I knew the numbers did not lie.
Since my dad is sick (back in the hospital all weekend but home again as of a few hours ago), we had the annual Super Bowl party at my house instead. It would have been too creepy to have the party at his house, watching his TV, only with him not there. It was a little weird without him anyway, and we did discuss whether, considering the circumstances, we should cancel the party but...I'm not sure I can explain it, but not having the Super Bowl party that we have had every year (in one form or another of varying size) since eternity would be like giving in which is in turn too close to giving up; having it was more like spitting into the wind - we weren't so much having it regardless of what's happening, but more in spite thereof.
Here is me doing some of the prep work for the party but lest you think I caused Da Bears defeat by wearing that sweater, I can assure you that I changed to one of the hallowed Walter Payton jerseys prior to kickoff (which my brother missed! Well, Sarah and Mom missed it too, but Bo took it hardest.). Here's one of the tables laden with treats. I put little flags on toothpicks to identify the different varieties of cheeses and meats. I would have put them in the crackers, too, but they broke when I tried it. We had even more stuff on some other tables and when Mom arrived we had to leave some stuff in the kitchen - even when it's just a small, low-key gathering, we take our snackage seriously.
Bo and Sarah brought some stout - I think it's a microbrew - called Scarlett Lady Ale, so I had one of those along with my usual Rolling Rock. It was very good. I'm a lot more adventurous when it comes to wine than I am with stout/ale/lager. I tend to follow Bo's lead on that front, which works out well for me because he doesn't mind giving me a taste of his, so I can tell whether I like it before I order a pint or buy a six-pack.
Anyway, beer and treats aren't really the point. The point is, I WAS RIGHT. ABOUT THE SUPER BOWL. AGAIN. *Nelson laugh*
Since my dad is sick (back in the hospital all weekend but home again as of a few hours ago), we had the annual Super Bowl party at my house instead. It would have been too creepy to have the party at his house, watching his TV, only with him not there. It was a little weird without him anyway, and we did discuss whether, considering the circumstances, we should cancel the party but...I'm not sure I can explain it, but not having the Super Bowl party that we have had every year (in one form or another of varying size) since eternity would be like giving in which is in turn too close to giving up; having it was more like spitting into the wind - we weren't so much having it regardless of what's happening, but more in spite thereof.
Here is me doing some of the prep work for the party but lest you think I caused Da Bears defeat by wearing that sweater, I can assure you that I changed to one of the hallowed Walter Payton jerseys prior to kickoff (which my brother missed! Well, Sarah and Mom missed it too, but Bo took it hardest.). Here's one of the tables laden with treats. I put little flags on toothpicks to identify the different varieties of cheeses and meats. I would have put them in the crackers, too, but they broke when I tried it. We had even more stuff on some other tables and when Mom arrived we had to leave some stuff in the kitchen - even when it's just a small, low-key gathering, we take our snackage seriously.
Bo and Sarah brought some stout - I think it's a microbrew - called Scarlett Lady Ale, so I had one of those along with my usual Rolling Rock. It was very good. I'm a lot more adventurous when it comes to wine than I am with stout/ale/lager. I tend to follow Bo's lead on that front, which works out well for me because he doesn't mind giving me a taste of his, so I can tell whether I like it before I order a pint or buy a six-pack.
Anyway, beer and treats aren't really the point. The point is, I WAS RIGHT. ABOUT THE SUPER BOWL. AGAIN. *Nelson laugh*
Well, we had our annual - we can call it annual because this is the second year, see? - chili for the super bowl. He makes it, because he's a better cook than I and because Mexicans don't make chili! And I oppose this whole making it seem like we do. And tacos with hard shells! We don't have those either. Anyway, it was fun. And we knew they were gonna win because you had said so.
Anyway. It's good that you are still keeping parties going and whatnot. It really does no good to start cancelling plans and all this. You know?
Kisses and hugs.
Anonymous, at 11:12 AM
Mexicans don't eat tacos with hard shells? Seriously? Damn, you learn something new every day.
I'm sorry your dad was back in the hospital, and happy he's back out. When I'm not visiting blogs, stuff happens quickly, then reverses. Yeah, it's good to have the Super Bowl party because I'm sure it would've pissed off your dad if you didn't.
As for beers, our Cost Plus/your World Market sells single beers, so you can be adventurous. I know, because that's where I went to try to like beer and try all different kinds. No luck, really. The allure of beer still escapes my grasp.
(ack, you've succumbed to captchas)
Anonymous, at 3:26 AM
I didn't want to give in to the captcha. I hate the way Blogger does them with the text in a wavy line because if it waves in a certain place, depending on the font, I can't tell if it's a u or a v...but the other day after deleting a whole bunch of comment spam, I logged in an hour later and had TWENTY-SEVEN more. Sigh.
Helly, at 9:12 AM
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