The Hellhole

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Now that I am several days removed from the horrors of last Wednesday, which shall hereafter be known as "The Shitstorm at the Hellhole", I am calm enough to provide some updates to previous topics.

(1) Either my magick isn't what it used to be or Lurch is incredibly strong, because my lurchaway amulet only worked the one day. The next morning, bright and early, before any of my compadres had arrived, he was weirding about with a ladder, adjusting ceiling tiles or some such.

(2) The chair that rode the elevator: we put it in the elevator some time in the early afternoon. I'm not sure exactly but I know it was after the lunch rush. By the time Sheila went down for the mail run around 3:45, it had disappeared. We waited all afternoon (me giggling all the while) for it to make a return appearance, perhaps in the lobby, with Kind Security Lady asking if anyone had misplaced a chair. So far, nothing. I can't imagine why anyone would want it, but we don't think a complaint resulted in Lurch removing it because no one has asked around about it. It simply disappeared. Someone evidently stole my trash - AGAIN.

(3) My romance, which is not only the most important to me but also, I am certain, a subject of deep and abiding interest for everyone. When I was over at Alan's apartment Thursday night, recovering from the shitstorm, some changes were made. There is pink soap (freesia) in his bathroom and a scented candle (Balinese orchid) on his coffee table. I have MARKED my territory. Subsequently, Alan and I have enjoyed a lovely vacation in picturesque Marietta. Tonight for dinner, we ordered room service - his idea! (Remember, I told you peeps that my idea of roughing it was staying at a hotel that didn't offer room service.) He ate at this very desk while I lolled about decadently on the bed. I have been a very good influence on him so far.

(4) Plans for the future: Alan bought an Atlanta Journal-Constitution and our horoscopes for today were as follows. Mine (Virgo): "Passing fancies are not for you. You are looking for the "real" thing and could find a like-minded partner. Words of affection are best said today if you want to satisfy passionate longings. Trinkets purchased now could have sentimental value later." His (Aquarius): "Dreams of living with that special someone in a house with a white picket fence and two cats in the yard might be attainable today. Pop the question or find someone who will fit the part in your fantasies." So, therefore: I have to say something sweet and buy him a trinket. He has to propose and buy me a house. Sounds fair to me, but he's giving me trouble. He seems to find the exchange somewhat uneven. *snort* Men! Oh, and it seems that we'll be needing an additional cat, so keep a lookout. I'll try to find a way to break it to The Finn.



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