The Hellhole

Monday, March 29, 2004

Finnovar, the cat who is kind enough to allow me to live in his home (and pay his mortgage) had to go to the vet for his annual check-up Saturday. In addition to his exam and booster shots, they wanted to run this blood analysis because he's now considered a "senior pet" (turning 10 in May). It's pretty cool because they don't have to send it off to a lab. Instead, they run it through a computer/centrifuge thing right there and in about 20 minutes can give you the results, sort of a spectrograph printout of how his liver, kidneys, heart and lungs are functioning along with enzyme levels, glucose levels, etc. It serves as an exam tool to make sure all is well but also for comparison purposes should he have problems in the future. All of which is to say that he is in excellent, better-than-expected health and doing fine on all counts. Dr. Smith said his results were not just 'good for a senior pet', but 'great for a cat'. Woo-hoo! He is not even that mad at me over the needles part.

Weird timing: in Friday's blog I mentioned something about Woody Harrelson's dad being in prison here in Atlanta. Well, today one of the headlines on Yahoo news is about his appeal being denied.

Peter Ustinov has died. I know he did many other things but I remember him best as Hercule Poirot. Also dead is Jan Berry, of the surf-rock duo Jan & Dean. I actually have one of their albums, liberated from my parents' collection. It's from way back in the day, when CDs were these big black plastic things with grooves. "Surf City" was okay, but "Dead Man's Curve" was my particular favorite. *singing* Dead Man's Curve is no place to play, Dead Man's Curve better stay away, won't come back from Dead Man's the song, they were racing down Sunset Boulevard from Vine "past LaBrea, Schwab's and Cresent Heights" to Doheny - the stretch called Dead Man's Curve is just past Doheny. Weirdly, in 1966 Jan Berry wrecked his Corvette and nearly killed himself in a car crash on Sunset but contrary to rock mythology, the wreck didn't actually happen in Dead Man's Curve; he hit a parked truck much further west, near Whittier.

In keeping with the eerie Hollywood Rule of Three, another celebrity is going to meet The Grim Reaper in the next day or two. I wonder why celebrities only die in groups of three...what's really bad is when some actor or musician dies that I've totally forgotten about and I'm surprised because I thought they were dead already. Makes me feel like I'm being mean but I didn't think it on purpose.


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