The Hellhole

Friday, March 26, 2004

Last night I went to an NBA game. I have absolutely no interest in hoops, professional or college, but I had to go because it was a company function; we were hosting our biggest client (a certain large soft-drink company) so we were in one of the suites. Had lots of good food which was way too expensive. My salesweasel was very kind and attentive in trying to explain the finer points of the game to me. I now know lots of important stuff like where the three-point line is, and how many fouls it takes to get exiled from the court. I asked dumb chick-like questions such as, "Why are they stopping?", "What did he just do?" and "What just happened?" but my salesweasel was most patient.

The Hawks actually won the game, too, which I gather doesn't happen all that often. They were playing the New Orleans Hornets and beat 'em 84 - 76, to everyone's surprise. Not to sound like a racist pig, but I could tell right away what's wrong with our team: it's almost all white boys. Heck, even Woody Harrelson knows White Men Can't Jump. Speaking of Woody, did you know his dad lives right here in Atlanta? He does, but not by choice. He's a guest of our penitentiary system, having been convicted of murdering a federal judge.

The bad thing about our federal pen is that it's right by the coolest movie theatre in Atlanta, the Starlight Drive-in! Yep, we still have a drive-in theatre with six screens. When you buy your ticket at the little entrance booth, they ask which movie you're there to see and then tell you which radio station to tune your car radio. That's how you hear the movie's sounds and if you have a great stereo system in your car, it's the perfect surround-sound set up. I like this a lot! I think it's way cool because you can adjust the volume to your preference, make comments and converse with your companions without bothering the other people. But because the Starlight is so close to the pen, I'm afraid to go there without guys in the car - lots of guys - which is a shame because no one I know likes the drive-in as much as I do. Tonight DAWN OF THE DEAD is on Screen #4 and that would be a wonderfully creepy, freaky, shivery thing to see at the drive-in. Alas, I am dateless, brotherless and otherwise escort-less this weekend so the best I can hope for is reruns of Star Trek: The Next Generation on Spike TV. it a bad sign that I watch way more guy TV (Spike, ESPN) than PMS channels (Oxygen and Lifetime)? Factoring in my prediliction for cartoons, Final Fantasy and horror RPGs, I bet I wreck more marketing demographic studies - heh heh heh.

If you can't be a good example, you'll just have to be a horrible, horrible warning. Faking It, Jennifer Cruise


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