For the Wilco concert, we stayed across the street from the Cobb Energy Centre at an Embassy Suites hotel, where they upgraded us to a suite for free (yay!!!). Straightaway, I thought of my pal Delaine, who loves the harvest gold, because the recently redecorated, very new stuff in the room was all harvest gold. Here are some photos - 
quality is not that great because they were taken with my phone instead of my Canon. Note the swirly harvest gold carpeting!

There was also this weird 70s lamp.

I took this picture of another harvest gold chair (I know it looks kinda reddish but it wasn't) and I was going to write something funny about having tossed my jeans across the bed, about narrowly missing being caught in the mirror pantsless.

And then I decided to throw caution to the winds and show y'all me in the mirror pantsless anyway, which is funnier than a near miss.

Alan bought me a Wilco t-shirt with a pouty little girl crossing her arms. Art imitating life, as it were.

There was also this weird 70s lamp.

I took this picture of another harvest gold chair (I know it looks kinda reddish but it wasn't) and I was going to write something funny about having tossed my jeans across the bed, about narrowly missing being caught in the mirror pantsless.

And then I decided to throw caution to the winds and show y'all me in the mirror pantsless anyway, which is funnier than a near miss.

Alan bought me a Wilco t-shirt with a pouty little girl crossing her arms. Art imitating life, as it were.

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