We went over to our next-door neighbor's house after work today (the one who's leaving, sadly). She has a very nice refrigerator, 2 years old, stainless steel side-by-side and we are going to buy it. We've been wanting a new fridge for a while, she has no use for it and this gives her a little money in her pocket, so it's a good thing for all but I still regret the circumstances.
The current fridge in our house was here when I bought the place well over a decade and a half ago and it wasn't new then. For a long time, I've been biding my time, figuring that whenever it eventually died, I'd replace it - rather than replacing it being a top priority because, well, it still works. It keeps things cold, so why spend the money until it's necessary? But it's old, it doesn't have the ice and water dispensers in the door, it's small - so we're buying Theresa's much newer, nicer fridge and moving the old one into the garage for more storage of cold drinks and extra freezer space.
Last night we went up to collect Sprocket, having concluded that Operation Puppy Procreation was not going to be successful this time around. We may try again in December, when Belle goes into heat again. Before bringing him home, we had dinner with our friends here. I thought the food was quite tasty; we split some appetizers and had some beverages as well as yummy entrees. I'd like to go there again with them.
We shared many stories of our misspent youth, many of which the spouses had not heard, including one which involved Certain People who shall remain nameless standing at the end of my driveway after midnight, pants down around their ankles, screaming, "The British are coming! The British are coming!" It wasn't me. I was taking pictures. However, we are getting together with these same friends for the Fourth of July and I can't promise that this time, I won't.
The current fridge in our house was here when I bought the place well over a decade and a half ago and it wasn't new then. For a long time, I've been biding my time, figuring that whenever it eventually died, I'd replace it - rather than replacing it being a top priority because, well, it still works. It keeps things cold, so why spend the money until it's necessary? But it's old, it doesn't have the ice and water dispensers in the door, it's small - so we're buying Theresa's much newer, nicer fridge and moving the old one into the garage for more storage of cold drinks and extra freezer space.
Last night we went up to collect Sprocket, having concluded that Operation Puppy Procreation was not going to be successful this time around. We may try again in December, when Belle goes into heat again. Before bringing him home, we had dinner with our friends here. I thought the food was quite tasty; we split some appetizers and had some beverages as well as yummy entrees. I'd like to go there again with them.
We shared many stories of our misspent youth, many of which the spouses had not heard, including one which involved Certain People who shall remain nameless standing at the end of my driveway after midnight, pants down around their ankles, screaming, "The British are coming! The British are coming!" It wasn't me. I was taking pictures. However, we are getting together with these same friends for the Fourth of July and I can't promise that this time, I won't.
Sorry your neighbor is leaving, but what great news about the fridge! I had thought several times of offering to buy you a new one but this sounds like a real good deal/idea.
Anonymous, at 9:29 AM
Sorry to hear you're losing a good neighbour.
And I hope that you end up getting some Sprocket puppies, that would be cool.
But why would you need to take down your pants to do historic re-enactments?
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
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