The Boss made me look at porn today! Gay, male PORN.
The Boss went to Mercer University, whose athletic mascot is the bear. He got an e-mail today asking him to go ahead and make his donation to the Mercer Athletics Foundation for the upcoming year - some sort of fund-raising effort, trying to meet a goal by the end of the month. So he phoned and asked me if we'd done that for the year or not. We hadn't, so he forwarded the e-mail to me but as I told him on the phone, the link in the e-mail sent me to general donations to the college, not specifically making a donation to, and thereby joining, the Athletics Foundation.
"Oh, that's right!" said The Boss. "It's...go to dubya dubya dubya dot bearbackers dot com."
Let me tell you: there is a reason why I typed that phonetically and did not hyperlink to bearbackers dot com. It is PORN. Gay, male porn. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it was sooooo not what I was expecting to see. Especially not upon direction from The Boss.
The Boss paid for his crime (or error, maybe it was an error) when I shrieked into his ear, "That's not right! That's PORN!" eeek, eeeuw, a thousand times gross especially as I am not a gay male...
"Hmm, yeah, yeah, try Mercer Bears dot com," replied The Boss.
Which is the correct site. Not Bear Backers.
So no matter what you did at work today, even if your Monday was awful, remember this: at least your boss didn't make you look at gay male porn.
The Boss went to Mercer University, whose athletic mascot is the bear. He got an e-mail today asking him to go ahead and make his donation to the Mercer Athletics Foundation for the upcoming year - some sort of fund-raising effort, trying to meet a goal by the end of the month. So he phoned and asked me if we'd done that for the year or not. We hadn't, so he forwarded the e-mail to me but as I told him on the phone, the link in the e-mail sent me to general donations to the college, not specifically making a donation to, and thereby joining, the Athletics Foundation.
"Oh, that's right!" said The Boss. "It's...go to dubya dubya dubya dot bearbackers dot com."
Let me tell you: there is a reason why I typed that phonetically and did not hyperlink to bearbackers dot com. It is PORN. Gay, male porn. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it was sooooo not what I was expecting to see. Especially not upon direction from The Boss.
The Boss paid for his crime (or error, maybe it was an error) when I shrieked into his ear, "That's not right! That's PORN!" eeek, eeeuw, a thousand times gross especially as I am not a gay male...
"Hmm, yeah, yeah, try Mercer Bears dot com," replied The Boss.
Which is the correct site. Not Bear Backers.
So no matter what you did at work today, even if your Monday was awful, remember this: at least your boss didn't make you look at gay male porn.
No... I'm pretty sure gay male porn would have been much better than parts of today. Better than lots of days, actually... Of course, I might have a different point of view on the matter...
Lachele, at 11:22 PM
hahahhaha! Priceless.
The network at work is so controlled that even some blog that I read are blocked (and no, they are not porn blogs). I've never had the unfortunate incident of landing on porn.
Inna, at 7:14 AM
I'm sorry, Lachele. Inna, either my brother or Matt (auxiliary baby brother) once said to me, "You can find more porn by accident than I can in an hour of good, hard looking."
I once famously, and quite innocently, Googled "bukakke" AT WORK after seeing it listed as a hobby on some random girl's blog. Let me just tell you, out of all the things I'd call that, "hobby" isn't one of them. Some girlfriends and I now use it as a mild epithet: "Ah, bukakke."
Helly, at 7:53 AM
Hahahaha - I actually know what that means from watching Queer As Folk. Once when the internet was young and Mark was showing me a game - an innocent little game - where you chase a cat around with a razor and it was called "Shave The Kitty." Or I think it was called that. But later, when I tried to search for it, well, do I really need to tell you what I found? It was always amusing when my students would find porn by accident in the computer lab. They were old enough that it was more embarrassing to them than giggle-inducing.
Anonymous Me, at 9:32 PM
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