Argh, too long between blog posts again...haven't had time but mostly in a good way.
Lily update: she is as happy as can be in her new home. She's playing with their other dog as though they've been playmates for years. This makes me happy.
Weekend update: I spent a lovely Saturday at the spa and then having lunch with Nancy. I did an hour in the sauna, a half-hour massage and a facial. It was great. The massage therapist was dismayed at the stress and knots in my muscles so I've scheduled a full hour for next week. I can't do that all the time but I think this time I need it - work's been pretty stressful.
Then on Sunday we were invited to a cookout at Anne and Rick's - he grilled ribs and shrimp skewers with fresh vegetables - it was sooooo good. Anne made a pitcher of margaritas, excellent side dishes and Rick's mom made a pound cake. Fabulous food in the pleasant company of good friends - I could hardly ask for a better weekend. I wish I could manage to spend more time doing fun things like this with my friends, instead of running errands, doing laundry or whatever else it is I do to waste my weekends.
Monday was Memorial Day and I took Tuesday off as well. I spent those days going to Publix (yes, both days - we were out of things we didn't realize when I went the first time), playing some video games and getting some quality puppy- and kitty-time. Took a most excellent nap, too.
Video game update: I haven't abandoned Final Fantasy XIII but lately I've been captivated by Arkham Asylum. It's very fun - you can explore at will though the objectives are pretty clear. Graphics are pretty impressive; mine (I have Game Of The Year edition for PS3) has a 3D option that looks very cool. I'd asked my brother if I should get it and his answer was an emphatic "yes!". Oh, that leads me to a funny, though it may be funny only if you know the sibling. He is a HUGE Batman fan, has been since he was a little tot and ran around the house in the Batman suit our grandmother made for him. Has action figures, comics, model Batmobiles, the lot. So at one point over the weekend Alan walked through the den as I was playing the Batman game. Some time later, he walked back through and noticed that I was back at FFXIII.
"You're Lightning again," he commented. "Not playing Arkham Asylum any more?"
"Well, no," I replied. "I got to this one point where I kept killing the Batman, and I was starting to feel rather badly about it."
"Somewhere in Greenville, Bo's getting twitchy - and he doesn't know why!"
Wii Fit update: I quit doing the body tests because the zig-zag of losing 3 pounds, gaining 1, losing 1, gaining 2 was starting to depress me. I kept at the aerobics, though, and felt that I was starting to see a difference in my body and my clothes. Then the other day I was driving my car and I noticed that whenever I changed gears, my watch flopped around on my wrist. I'm going to have to have a couple of links removed from the bracelet. So apparently I've been wasting 30 - 45 minutes of my time every day for the last month and a half so I could drop two wrist sizes.
Lily update: she is as happy as can be in her new home. She's playing with their other dog as though they've been playmates for years. This makes me happy.
Weekend update: I spent a lovely Saturday at the spa and then having lunch with Nancy. I did an hour in the sauna, a half-hour massage and a facial. It was great. The massage therapist was dismayed at the stress and knots in my muscles so I've scheduled a full hour for next week. I can't do that all the time but I think this time I need it - work's been pretty stressful.
Then on Sunday we were invited to a cookout at Anne and Rick's - he grilled ribs and shrimp skewers with fresh vegetables - it was sooooo good. Anne made a pitcher of margaritas, excellent side dishes and Rick's mom made a pound cake. Fabulous food in the pleasant company of good friends - I could hardly ask for a better weekend. I wish I could manage to spend more time doing fun things like this with my friends, instead of running errands, doing laundry or whatever else it is I do to waste my weekends.
Monday was Memorial Day and I took Tuesday off as well. I spent those days going to Publix (yes, both days - we were out of things we didn't realize when I went the first time), playing some video games and getting some quality puppy- and kitty-time. Took a most excellent nap, too.
Video game update: I haven't abandoned Final Fantasy XIII but lately I've been captivated by Arkham Asylum. It's very fun - you can explore at will though the objectives are pretty clear. Graphics are pretty impressive; mine (I have Game Of The Year edition for PS3) has a 3D option that looks very cool. I'd asked my brother if I should get it and his answer was an emphatic "yes!". Oh, that leads me to a funny, though it may be funny only if you know the sibling. He is a HUGE Batman fan, has been since he was a little tot and ran around the house in the Batman suit our grandmother made for him. Has action figures, comics, model Batmobiles, the lot. So at one point over the weekend Alan walked through the den as I was playing the Batman game. Some time later, he walked back through and noticed that I was back at FFXIII.
"You're Lightning again," he commented. "Not playing Arkham Asylum any more?"
"Well, no," I replied. "I got to this one point where I kept killing the Batman, and I was starting to feel rather badly about it."
"Somewhere in Greenville, Bo's getting twitchy - and he doesn't know why!"
Wii Fit update: I quit doing the body tests because the zig-zag of losing 3 pounds, gaining 1, losing 1, gaining 2 was starting to depress me. I kept at the aerobics, though, and felt that I was starting to see a difference in my body and my clothes. Then the other day I was driving my car and I noticed that whenever I changed gears, my watch flopped around on my wrist. I'm going to have to have a couple of links removed from the bracelet. So apparently I've been wasting 30 - 45 minutes of my time every day for the last month and a half so I could drop two wrist sizes.
I've been thinking of getting a wii... Glad to know the Wii Fit works nicely.
Inna, at 5:55 PM
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