Can you hear my squeals of delight across the intarwebs?
My quest for the PS3 this afternoon was a series of swings between excitement and disappointment. I had registered with NewEgg to be e-mailed when they had more in stock and this afternoon, I checked my g-mail and behold! An alert! But although I got to NewEgg only 57 minutes after they'd sent the e-mail, PS3s were already out of stock again.
I was sad but then I started wondering if other places had received some PS3 goodness too. Best Buy showed availability at the store two miles from my house and the four others closest. Heady with anticipation, I called Alan (who gets off work two hours before I do) and asked if he'd go get it for me. He set out for Best Buy but once he finally found someone who'd wait on him - which oddly enough he almost always has that problem at our Best Buy, while I rarely do - the guy told him they had no 250 GB PS3s, only the 120 GB. I wanted the big one. Bigger is better, right? So he had to call to break the bad news.
I re-checked the website and they were still showing 250 GB PS3s available at our Best Buy. Suspicious, I went through the online ordering for store pickup, only to find that I had to wait up to 45 minutes for an e-mail confirming availability. I was sure that at this point I'd get a "sorry, out of stock" e-mail, but fifteen minutes later, I got an e-mail with a barcode on it telling me to come get my gaming goodness. I tried not to get excited for a third time, thinking that probably once I got to the store, I'd be told "sorry, we don't have any". But that didn't happen and I'm ready to rawk, Final Fantasy style. Which I guess would be Ragnarawk.

Oh yeah.
ETA: we don't know if the guy was deliberately lying to Alan, trying to hold PS3s for his buds, just lazy and didn't look that hard, or dumb and looked in the wrong place. But for whatever reason, he was told they were completely sold out an hour and a half before I got mine, and while I was there I saw a whole stack of them.

I was sad but then I started wondering if other places had received some PS3 goodness too. Best Buy showed availability at the store two miles from my house and the four others closest. Heady with anticipation, I called Alan (who gets off work two hours before I do) and asked if he'd go get it for me. He set out for Best Buy but once he finally found someone who'd wait on him - which oddly enough he almost always has that problem at our Best Buy, while I rarely do - the guy told him they had no 250 GB PS3s, only the 120 GB. I wanted the big one. Bigger is better, right? So he had to call to break the bad news.
I re-checked the website and they were still showing 250 GB PS3s available at our Best Buy. Suspicious, I went through the online ordering for store pickup, only to find that I had to wait up to 45 minutes for an e-mail confirming availability. I was sure that at this point I'd get a "sorry, out of stock" e-mail, but fifteen minutes later, I got an e-mail with a barcode on it telling me to come get my gaming goodness. I tried not to get excited for a third time, thinking that probably once I got to the store, I'd be told "sorry, we don't have any". But that didn't happen and I'm ready to rawk, Final Fantasy style. Which I guess would be Ragnarawk.

Oh yeah.
ETA: we don't know if the guy was deliberately lying to Alan, trying to hold PS3s for his buds, just lazy and didn't look that hard, or dumb and looked in the wrong place. But for whatever reason, he was told they were completely sold out an hour and a half before I got mine, and while I was there I saw a whole stack of them.
Hooray for you!
(Could it be that the clerks at BB really like redheads?!!?)
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM
Laziness, is my guess as to why the idiots weren't able to turn one up. Glad you found one! Now you need to pick up God of War III also, which is ridiculously awesome.
(Leslie and I had a deal with each other when FFXIII came out a week before GoW III: she could play FFXIII and I would play GoW III. The problem is that GoW III is a much shorter game, maybe 14 hours if you really milk it. I've already finished it on Hard, Normal and Easy difficulties (yes, in that order) and am now slowly working my way through the Very Hard mode. Leslie, on the other hand, is only about five hours into FFXIII because she hasn't had much time to play (gearing up for exams)).
Phil C., at 7:54 AM
Also, I'll be curious to hear what you think of FFXIII once you start playing. :)
Phil C., at 7:55 AM
I'm not very far in, only Chapter 3 but so far I'm really not feeling the Final Fantasy love. Graphics are incredibly beautiful, the console and system are great but the game - well, it's just not Which I know is subjective and I hate comments like that, but - well, it simply isn't for me. At least thus far there has been no exploration, nothing very interesting or challenging - just watch a movie, walk a few feet, fight a non-challenging battle, lather, rinse, repeat. I'm sticking with it for love of the franchise and hoping maybe the fault's on my end, the game will improve, it will start to grow on me or all of the above.
Helly, at 12:55 PM
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