What I've been up to since my last post:
- left work early Friday to take the Helmobile to the dealership, in hopes of it being repaired by Saturday (didn't happen).
- Friday night Mom was invited for dinner and a movie. We made lasagna and garlic bread; she brought salad which included a home-grown tomato, home-grown cucumber and home-grown banana pepper. YUM.
- watched Coraline with Mom, 2nd viewing for her, 8th or 9th for us and it is better every time.
- Saturday was the usual errands; our route took us past the auto dealer around 3PM and my car had not been moved from the spot where I left it - so much for a quick repair.
- Saturday evening I was playing video games and wishing aloud they'd made one of Coraline. Alan did a quick Google and moments later, we were at our local GameStop obtaining more buttony goodness.
- Sunday we went to visit Nancy and Mark. She made a fantastic lunch, coq au vin with mushrooms, a fresh salad of tomato, celery, cucumber and green pepper, and key lime pie for dessert. Had a lovely time hanging out after lunch, chatting and catching up.
- Nancy recently returned from Cape Cod and brought me back a bottle of white from the Cape Cod winery. It's chilled and waiting for me.
- Today I hitched a ride to work with my friend Anne (we don't work at the same place but our office buildings are within 2 blocks of each other).
- The dealership called about the Helmobile and the problem was a blown resistor, not all that expensive or awful to fix, but it seems I'd neglected to have a major service overhaul done which was due about, uh, 28,000 miles ago (oopsie!). I told them that if they could get it completed today, go ahead and do the service. Four days and nearly $800 later (ouch!) the Helmobile is again operational and I'm back on the road, terrorizing the elderly and squirrels. And elderly squirrels.
- I am very tired. Woke up this morning around 3AM and never got back into a good, sound sleep.
Mmmm, lasagna.
I bet the elderly squirrels scurried back into their trees ;)
A Margarita, at 11:32 AM
I'm exhausted and hungry from reading this :)
Hope you get a better night's sleep tonight.
Inna, at 1:40 PM
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