Is that my immaturity showing?
I freely admit that despite being thirty-lots, I have all the maturity of your average sixth-grader. I laugh at anything that remotely sounds like it might, maybe, could be possibly a double entendre, I imitate Beavis and Butt-head frequently - sometimes in the grocery store, but only if I'm with my mom, as she deserves retribution for all the angst she inflicted upon me during my formative years. Oooh! - ask her about the time she was asked to leave her local Wal-Mart because she couldn't control her children - seriously, ask her - which is even funnier once I clarify that her children were like 27 and 34 at the time. (I'm the oldest and therefore far better behaved in public.)
Last night, Alan had late shift so I was playing a video game. I'm deeply enmeshed in Final Fantasy XII right now. In this game, once you defeat an enemy a snipe appears across the top of the screen telling you what you've earned in terms of spoils - for example, defeating a wolf often earns a wolf pelt, defeating an avian enemy earns feathers, that kind of thing. Last evening I came to a new area and fought a new enemy, the Skull Knight, who is a sword-wielding skeleton. I slaughtered a few without incident and then what should appear on my television screen but, "You obtain STURDY BONE!"
Yes, I LOL'd. Then I e-mailed my husband at his work e-mail (which I hardly ever do) to tell him of this momentous event. It struck me as so funny, particularly as the game developers had felt the need to adjective-fy it as a STURDY BONE - as opposed to a limp and floppy weakling bone, I suppose. Alan laughed too, and wrote back, "I wonder if that was intentional, or if the translator just tried the best he could. I'm guessing intentional, myself."
Influenced by my video game and Cheezburger, I'm happily ensconced on the couch periodically asking the PS2, "I can has STURDY BONE?" I'd be ginormously irritating if I wasn't so cute, honestly I would.
I freely admit that despite being thirty-lots, I have all the maturity of your average sixth-grader. I laugh at anything that remotely sounds like it might, maybe, could be possibly a double entendre, I imitate Beavis and Butt-head frequently - sometimes in the grocery store, but only if I'm with my mom, as she deserves retribution for all the angst she inflicted upon me during my formative years. Oooh! - ask her about the time she was asked to leave her local Wal-Mart because she couldn't control her children - seriously, ask her - which is even funnier once I clarify that her children were like 27 and 34 at the time. (I'm the oldest and therefore far better behaved in public.)
Last night, Alan had late shift so I was playing a video game. I'm deeply enmeshed in Final Fantasy XII right now. In this game, once you defeat an enemy a snipe appears across the top of the screen telling you what you've earned in terms of spoils - for example, defeating a wolf often earns a wolf pelt, defeating an avian enemy earns feathers, that kind of thing. Last evening I came to a new area and fought a new enemy, the Skull Knight, who is a sword-wielding skeleton. I slaughtered a few without incident and then what should appear on my television screen but, "You obtain STURDY BONE!"
Yes, I LOL'd. Then I e-mailed my husband at his work e-mail (which I hardly ever do) to tell him of this momentous event. It struck me as so funny, particularly as the game developers had felt the need to adjective-fy it as a STURDY BONE - as opposed to a limp and floppy weakling bone, I suppose. Alan laughed too, and wrote back, "I wonder if that was intentional, or if the translator just tried the best he could. I'm guessing intentional, myself."
Influenced by my video game and Cheezburger, I'm happily ensconced on the couch periodically asking the PS2, "I can has STURDY BONE?" I'd be ginormously irritating if I wasn't so cute, honestly I would.
this could so totally be me and my husband! though, to be completely honest, I am more of a video game watcher because my ability to navigate using a controller is terrible and so I would never make it to the point I'd get to earn a STURDY BONE... But I'd totally be there watching when my husband did, and then I'd laugh long and hard about it! ;)
Z, at 12:38 PM
I got Zelda for my birthday and have just started on it. I haven't acquired anything but the local currency yet. No bones, sturdy or otherwise. What can you do with a sturdy bone? Besides the obvious.
Anonymous Me, at 7:40 AM
Heh. There must be a thousand witty answers to that question. Actually, what you do with a sturdy bone is the same as most of your spoils: sell it to merchants for gil, use the gil to buy weapons and armors and magicks. Which begs the question: what do merchants do with the sturdy bones? Hmmm. Some of the spoils are used in magick - I'll have to see if that's true of the sturdy bone.
Helly, at 10:08 AM
From looking watching over Helly's shoulder, the sturdy bone is used to make weaponry. She's collected a few more today. Heh heh...
Alan Bowman, at 4:19 PM
Haha! Maybe you can bop someone over the head with your sturdy bone.
A Margarita, at 9:16 AM
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