This weekend we attended a family reunion for Alan's side of the family. There are many tales I LONG to tell, but most are out because this is a public blog. It's no secret that I don't mind making fun of people - first and foremost myself - but I am not intentionally cruel, I would hate to be ill-mannered, and, whether for good or ill, I've never bothered much about anonymity here at The Hellhole. So I have two family reunion stories but I'm not going to post them. My anecdote is written, edited and ready to go; if you want to read it, shoot me an e-mail and I'll be glad to satisfy your curiosity.
Me, me, me.
Anonymous Me, at 10:09 PM
Me too, as well, also ... :-)
thermalsatsuma, at 1:07 PM
Done and done, and done to those who e-mailed as well. You guys have no idea how happy it makes me that you wanted to read my story. I hope it made you laugh!
Helly, at 4:35 PM
Sheesh, I can't believe that you even have to ask! Send away!
Anonymous, at 6:30 AM
I know that my first thought was "Ooooh, me please!" but I don't think I actually did anything about it. Could I add my name to the list please? I'm in sore need of a good chuckle today :-)
(daisy ~AT~
Anonymous, at 9:11 AM
Sent to everyone - I hope y'all enjoy it!
Helly, at 1:37 PM
Me too!
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM
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