Woo-hoo! Nothing like a Skanky Neighbor Update to start the weekend off right. Friday night as I was eating dinner, I heard a lot of banging and thumping. Investigating the source of the racket, I discovered that a minivan and a large pickup truck were parked in the driveway of the Skanky Neighbor House. Supplies were being moved about; I couldn't see that well from inside my house because my trees and shrubbery are in bloom, and I wasn't going outside to spy while people were bustling about. Still, several items looked about the same size and shape as the boxes our hardwood flooring came in.
I thought for a moment that someone might actually be renovating the place and repairing the damage done by the Pigbys, but since this is the Skanky Neighbor House, it wouldn't be anything nearly as normal as that. After spending money to purchase building supplies and spending most of Friday night unloading/moving them around, the latest set of rednecks completely disappeared. It is now quarter to midnight, Saturday night and there has been zero activity next door and no sign of the people who brought the supplies. I took this photo Friday night when they went on (I guess) a dinner run, but I assure you it still looks exactly the same at this moment.
So, in keeping with the pattern of spending several hundred dollars to rent a dumpster into which they never put a single crumb of garbage, they have purchased wood and whatever other supplies were in all those boxes and instead of doing anything with them, instead left them lying outside, subject to the elements and theft. I'm not going to steal the lumber myself, because (a) I'm not a thief and (b) I don't need any lumber.
In other news, check out this spiffy gadget. I bought it for Alan as an anniversary present but I gave it to him already, firstly because there is no way I could keep a present for my husband secret for 18 days and also because if it wasn't the right one/his iPod didn't fit, I needed to know so I could return it while I still knew where the receipt was. This is an iHome date/time alarm clock/radio/iPod dock - it also charges your iPod while it's docked. On our trip to Vegas, Mandalay Bay had these in the rooms and Alan liked it a lot. We enjoyed listening to our music while we were getting ready, chilling, etc. and the sound is really impressive, especially considering how small the speakers are - it's quite a cool device. Alan had remarked several times how much he liked it and I was thinking about trying to get him one. Then when I was at Linens N' Things buying a new shower curtain liner, I rounded a corner to find a huge display of them on sale! It was Fate! Fate at $20 less than original price. The sound quality is fantastic. I'm glad I found one for The Husband.
Lest you think Alan has a hot pink iPod, this is mine docked in it at the moment, because Alan had class today and took his manly blue iPod with him. But I docked mine to charge it and for pictorial purposes.
Woo-hoo! Nothing like a Skanky Neighbor Update to start the weekend off right. Friday night as I was eating dinner, I heard a lot of banging and thumping. Investigating the source of the racket, I discovered that a minivan and a large pickup truck were parked in the driveway of the Skanky Neighbor House. Supplies were being moved about; I couldn't see that well from inside my house because my trees and shrubbery are in bloom, and I wasn't going outside to spy while people were bustling about. Still, several items looked about the same size and shape as the boxes our hardwood flooring came in.
I thought for a moment that someone might actually be renovating the place and repairing the damage done by the Pigbys, but since this is the Skanky Neighbor House, it wouldn't be anything nearly as normal as that. After spending money to purchase building supplies and spending most of Friday night unloading/moving them around, the latest set of rednecks completely disappeared. It is now quarter to midnight, Saturday night and there has been zero activity next door and no sign of the people who brought the supplies. I took this photo Friday night when they went on (I guess) a dinner run, but I assure you it still looks exactly the same at this moment.

In other news, check out this spiffy gadget. I bought it for Alan as an anniversary present but I gave it to him already, firstly because there is no way I could keep a present for my husband secret for 18 days and also because if it wasn't the right one/his iPod didn't fit, I needed to know so I could return it while I still knew where the receipt was. This is an iHome date/time alarm clock/radio/iPod dock - it also charges your iPod while it's docked. On our trip to Vegas, Mandalay Bay had these in the rooms and Alan liked it a lot. We enjoyed listening to our music while we were getting ready, chilling, etc. and the sound is really impressive, especially considering how small the speakers are - it's quite a cool device. Alan had remarked several times how much he liked it and I was thinking about trying to get him one. Then when I was at Linens N' Things buying a new shower curtain liner, I rounded a corner to find a huge display of them on sale! It was Fate! Fate at $20 less than original price. The sound quality is fantastic. I'm glad I found one for The Husband.

Lest you think Alan has a hot pink iPod, this is mine docked in it at the moment, because Alan had class today and took his manly blue iPod with him. But I docked mine to charge it and for pictorial purposes.
I have a skanky neighbor theory: they inherited the house from some relative who stipulated that they had to spend x amount of bucks in home improvement every year or else the inheritance would default to someone else.
All they have to do is show the receipts to the lawyer; they don't actually have to show any improvements.
OK lame but that's my theory.
Happy anniversary, y'all!
Topcat, at 3:12 PM
Happy anniversary! I enjoy the pink Ipod.
Methinks the house is cursed.
A Margarita, at 3:37 PM
Thanks, ladies! Sandy, I spend way too much time trying to come up with a logical theory that explains the weirdness going on over there. Margarita, I think the house IS cursed, because everybody over there - not just this latest installment - exhibits some logic-defying bizarre behaviour sooner or later, even if they start of seemingly normal.
Helly, at 4:23 PM
Start OFF seemingly normal. Start OFF, not start of.
Helly, at 4:24 PM
It's like the restaurant location that always fails, no matter what's in it. . . I like Sandy's explanation too, just because their should be a non-supernatural story. i got nothing, though.
I want one of those iPod thingies!
Anonymous Me, at 10:10 PM
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