Does this happen to anyone but me? Seriously.
Last evening after I finished my bath and was changing into my night clothes, I had an awful moment of extreme panic. "What's this?!? Oh no! I must have gained weight! Like 20 pounds of weight! AAAAGH! I can't have gained that much weight...I look the same...don't I? Maybe I don't! I have gained weight! Noooo! But my other clothes still fit...oh no! This is horrible!"
...and then came a blissful moment of relief when I realized that I looked the same as usual, and that the reason my underwear seemed way, WAY too small was that I had turned it wrongly and was trying to stretch a leg-hole over my hips.
Last evening after I finished my bath and was changing into my night clothes, I had an awful moment of extreme panic. "What's this?!? Oh no! I must have gained weight! Like 20 pounds of weight! AAAAGH! I can't have gained that much weight...I look the same...don't I? Maybe I don't! I have gained weight! Noooo! But my other clothes still fit...oh no! This is horrible!"
...and then came a blissful moment of relief when I realized that I looked the same as usual, and that the reason my underwear seemed way, WAY too small was that I had turned it wrongly and was trying to stretch a leg-hole over my hips.
bwahaha! I can totally see myself doing that! Haven't done the exact same thing, but have tried to use arm holes for my neck before ;) (and many a time forgotten that there is a zipper to be unzipped)
Z, at 8:45 AM
Haha! You are not alone in bonehead moments. I am sure I could manage to do that same exact thing, or some variation thereof.
A Margarita, at 9:05 AM
You are not alone. That story really made me laugh.
basil, at 8:07 AM
that is certainly NOT a "bonehead moment." i have often ended up in my underhosen that way...of course it was usually during the brutal mornings following excessive abuse of libation.
but then...omit the undergarment altogether.
Anonymous, at 6:49 AM
I'm glad I'm not alone! And I totally love the phrase "excessive abuse of libation". (S)wine has just summarized my life, rendering that whole tedious task of writing my autobiography unnecessary.
Helly, at 4:43 PM
well there you go. that solves that.
also, meant to answer your question: i do play an instrument; once upon a long time ago i was a drummer in a band which toured the east coast of the states. this was during bush 1's tenure...shudder, shudder, what times those were.
Anonymous, at 7:28 AM
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