Designer Underpants
I have on Vera Wang underpants - a black pair like these in the picture. I bought 3 pairs. I'm not sure I see the point of designer underpants, or what role Vera played in the so-called design of same, they looking exactly like normal, standard-issue underpants. But in case you were sitting around thinking about me and wondering, "Is she the kind of chick who's hip and trendy enough to wear designer underpants?" - well, now you know.
P.S. Alan, reading over my shoulder, says, "Ha ha. 'Wang'."
P.S. Alan, reading over my shoulder, says, "Ha ha. 'Wang'."
Ha! Wang! I love Vera Wang, and I had no idea she made panties. She also makes lovely wedding dresses, if I am ever in the market for one, I may have to accrue some credit card debt ;)
A Margarita, at 1:15 PM
HA! HA! Alan said "Wang"! That said, they look comfy, although not really much different from my Target special Fruit of the Looms, which cost me $4.69 for 8 pairs. Regularly 6 pairs, but you get a bonus 2 pair o' white undies. My absolute favorite are Jockeys. They're tidy looking and the French Cut fit perfectly without EVER creeping. It's the underwear you wear when you know you'll be out all day, doing something more physical than sitting down. I heart my Jockeys. Really, what's better than undies named after little men (usually) on horses? Nothing, I say, nothing!
Heh, Wang.
P.S. (Let's pretend you only have one pair for the moment) Is your Wang comfy? Your Wang looks like it's soft and wouldn't creep into yer butt. ;)
Unknown, at 8:35 PM
Ha - my Wang is silky! I had others but they're pretty vulgar.
Helly, at 1:44 PM
I like it when there's nothing between my butt and my jeans except MY WANG.
Helly, at 10:54 PM
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