Last night we watched Blades of Glory - pretty darned funny. I loved Jon Heder a lot in Napoleon Dynamite ("whatever I feel like I wanna do - GOSH!) and enjoyed seeing him in another, very different, comedy role. I'm starting to appreciate Will Ferrell more and more with the more movies he makes; when he was on SNL about all I liked - or at least remember liking- were his Craig The Spartan Cheerleader skits. (Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh uh huh uh huh!)
But the thing is, I felt like a complete tool that in my previous post, I'd waxed poetic about my Mason Pearson hairbrush [which I totally love and my hair is all shiny and baby-soft after 4.5 whole days and it is soooo looovvvvley) because in Blades of Glory, Will's character Chazz Michael Michaels who is a, egotistical...goes on a long monologue concerning his eerily similar love affair/pride in his hairbrush.
"Help yourself to the Mane n' Tail all you want, but don't even look at the Verticoli!" The Verticoli is his imported Italian hairbrush which cost twelve grand, is carved from whalebone and has its own velvet-lined traveling case. I haven't taken that step. YET.
But the thing is, I felt like a complete tool that in my previous post, I'd waxed poetic about my Mason Pearson hairbrush [which I totally love and my hair is all shiny and baby-soft after 4.5 whole days and it is soooo looovvvvley) because in Blades of Glory, Will's character Chazz Michael Michaels who is a, egotistical...goes on a long monologue concerning his eerily similar love affair/pride in his hairbrush.
"Help yourself to the Mane n' Tail all you want, but don't even look at the Verticoli!" The Verticoli is his imported Italian hairbrush which cost twelve grand, is carved from whalebone and has its own velvet-lined traveling case. I haven't taken that step. YET.
I want to cut off your skin and wear it to my birthday.
Anonymous, at 2:08 AM
I assumed, when you wrote about the hairbrush, that you had already seen the movie! [or I would have instructed you to see it at once!]
Kristal, at 8:07 AM
Finally! Something to put on my Netflix queue! (:
Topcat, at 8:37 AM
I gotta see that too. I like Will Ferrell, but not all the time. I like him when he plays a fairly benign character. I loved him in Elf and Old School, Stranger Than Fiction. Not so much Anchorman, not at all in the Wedding Crashers. I liked his President Bush on SNL.
Anonymous Me, at 7:46 PM
Wow, I'm totally behind the Will Ferrell times. I haven't seen any of the stuff Nancy mentioned - I was thinking of how much funnier I found "Talladega Nights" than "Night at the Roxbury" and his funny cameo in "Jay & Silent Bob"...
Helly, at 9:00 PM
OMG you HAVE to see Old School, just for the send up of Total Eclipse of the Heart, which is possibly the very funniest thing I've ever seen in a movie, ever.
Anonymous Me, at 6:26 PM
You're right about Will Ferrell. I was never much of a fan but he's sort of grown on me. I love Jon Heder! Blades of Glory was brilliant.
A Margarita, at 8:59 PM
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