Normally I avoid posting about politics and religion but this is, although religion-related, funny. The Boss gave me a list of his favorite Bible verses and asked me to print them onto little cards and laminate them. Regardless of your thoughts on religion, I found it a fun, creative diversion. He told me to use this spare Bible that was in his credenza but once I got started, I was confused. I thought I knew the standard Protestant version of the 23rd Psalm, and this wasn’t it. I called him and the following exchange ensued:
Me: about those Bible verses you wanted me to type? Are you sure this is the Bible you wanted me to use? - because it’s really really different from what I was expecting - like the 23rd Psalm says, "Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams." I was sorta expecting lots of 'makeths' and 'haveths' - weren’t you?
The Boss: No, sorry, I didn’t realize. I don’t like these updated modern versions. We need a King James Version.
Me: Okay. Are you going to bring me one or should I try online?
The Boss: [suspiciously, wondering if I might be a minion of Satan] I could, but don’t YOU have a Bible?
Me: Not one like that. In mine, Psalm 23 is "On the first day of the week, a psalm for David. The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof: the world, and all they that dwell therein, For he hath founded it upon the seas; and hath prepared it in the rivers".
The Boss: What is that? Where did it come from?
Me: I have a Catholic [Douay-Rheims] Bible. It’s way different from yours. [smug and boastful] Mine has LOTS of books you don’t.
The Boss: What do you mean, it has books I don’t?
Me: We get more books of the Bible than you do.
The Boss: How could there be MORE books? I don’t understand. What are you talking about?
Me: We have lots more stuff in ours than you guys - like, oh, Tobit, Wisdom, First and Second Maccabees, and...some extra prophets and stuff.
The Boss: [in mock outrage] What, have y’all been HIDING THEM?!?
Me: Yeah. We keep ‘em in the Vatican.
The Boss: Ohhhh.
Me: I really shouldn’t have told a Presbyterian. Promise you won’t tell.
The Boss: [singsong] You’re gonna get in TRU-bull! You’re gonna get in TRU-bull!
Me: about those Bible verses you wanted me to type? Are you sure this is the Bible you wanted me to use? - because it’s really really different from what I was expecting - like the 23rd Psalm says, "Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams." I was sorta expecting lots of 'makeths' and 'haveths' - weren’t you?
The Boss: No, sorry, I didn’t realize. I don’t like these updated modern versions. We need a King James Version.
Me: Okay. Are you going to bring me one or should I try online?
The Boss: [suspiciously, wondering if I might be a minion of Satan] I could, but don’t YOU have a Bible?
Me: Not one like that. In mine, Psalm 23 is "On the first day of the week, a psalm for David. The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof: the world, and all they that dwell therein, For he hath founded it upon the seas; and hath prepared it in the rivers".
The Boss: What is that? Where did it come from?
Me: I have a Catholic [Douay-Rheims] Bible. It’s way different from yours. [smug and boastful] Mine has LOTS of books you don’t.
The Boss: What do you mean, it has books I don’t?
Me: We get more books of the Bible than you do.
The Boss: How could there be MORE books? I don’t understand. What are you talking about?
Me: We have lots more stuff in ours than you guys - like, oh, Tobit, Wisdom, First and Second Maccabees, and...some extra prophets and stuff.
The Boss: [in mock outrage] What, have y’all been HIDING THEM?!?
Me: Yeah. We keep ‘em in the Vatican.
The Boss: Ohhhh.
Me: I really shouldn’t have told a Presbyterian. Promise you won’t tell.
The Boss: [singsong] You’re gonna get in TRU-bull! You’re gonna get in TRU-bull!
May I ask why he wants his bible verses laminated?
By the way, I'm gonna tell the Pope that you revealed Catholic secrets. We're very close, Herr Pope and I.
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
I sent you a more detailed answer via e-mail, but the public answer, for anyone else who's interested, is he wants some cards w/verses on them from which to randomly choose his private, daily devotional.
Helly, at 7:46 PM
I have -lots- of Bibles. What kind do you want? I even have one in Korean. And, yes, I have a King James (red-letter version).
I also have Bhagavad-Gita, the I Ching and the Egyptian Book of the Dead among assorted others like some Tina Chopp tracts and Principia Discordia...
I bet Alan has even -more-. I was always so envious of his religious documents collection!
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM
The book I have has hieroglyphics in it, often with a literal translation running beneath. This site has the translation, but not the hieroglyphics:
Anonymous, at 11:57 PM
The Maccabees, weren't they the 2nd century Scottish brothers who wrote all those drinking songs and filthy limericks? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
That conversation was hilarious, by the way!
Anonymous Me, at 9:03 AM
Too funny, Nancy!
Helly, at 12:00 PM
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