Attention blogsphere! I have just returned from picking up my wedding band!!! The jeweler called to report that it was ready and although I suppose technically I should have waited for Alan to do this, with three wide-open credit cards, two checkbooks and the jeweler in this very same building a mere two floors away, can a girl really be expected to contain herself?
I thought not.
I thought not.
Anonymous Me, at 2:06 PM
I dunno, isn't that like opening Xmas presents early? That aside, do we get pics?
Anonymous, at 12:56 AM
You may have a point. On the other hand, it's a little snug which is good to know at this point, b/c if I have to have it resized, I'd rather do it now when I'm not actually wearing it than have to give it up after the wedding.
Helly, at 7:41 AM
BTW-the 'food' section of the AJC yesterday ran a whole article on hors d'ouvres. And the recipes were more what we'd expect for that term. There were suggestions for cheeses/biscuits as well as dips for crudite. There were even the old 'favorite' bacon-wrapped scallops, etc. The same kind of stuff we think of.
Anonymous, at 9:48 AM
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