The ice storm wasn’t bad at all for me, although others weren’t as fortunate. The Boss lost power on Friday and didn’t get it back until last night around 6:30. My power never went out, although I did keep a fire going just for atmosphere. We had plenty of food, snacks, Cokes and merlot so I was happy. The bad weather meant that I could laze around, read books, play on the PS2, etc. without feeling guilty about the tasks, errands and work I ought to be doing. While I’m quite lazy and love relaxation time, it’s impossible for me to enjoy it until and unless I’ve dispatched with my chores. But it’s not my fault if I’m iced in - so I had a wonderful weekend.
A good weekend was made even more so by three (count ‘em, THREE) viewings of the Title Max Title Pawn commercial. It almost always airs during Fox 5 News at Ten, usually around 10:30. I love the Title Max pink-eyeshadow-wearing eyebrows-plucked-to-nothing fake-nail-wearing woman. I liked her a lot during the first commercial which aired around Christmas: “It was the holidays. We needed CAYSH!” but the new one may be even better. Everyone sings “Title Max got yo’ money, yo’ money” and besides Eyeshadow Woman, there’s Disgusted Couple: the woman flings a sheaf of past due notices at the screen while glaring at the man. I just know she’s saying something to him about having too many babymammas. Then there’s Dancing White Guy; they have folks of both colors in the commercials, so of course they choose the white dude for the dancer. C’mon, you KNOW white folks can’t dance - we got NO rhythm, especially the men. Dancing White Guy does this combo of a bad Running Man with a lopsided Cabbage Patch while he unfurls a sheaf of oversized money - real money, Title Max got yo’ money, the real money! I want to go hock the titles to the motorcycle and the Corvette, not because I need CAYSH, but just to keep them in business. I love them SO MUCH!
A good weekend was made even more so by three (count ‘em, THREE) viewings of the Title Max Title Pawn commercial. It almost always airs during Fox 5 News at Ten, usually around 10:30. I love the Title Max pink-eyeshadow-wearing eyebrows-plucked-to-nothing fake-nail-wearing woman. I liked her a lot during the first commercial which aired around Christmas: “It was the holidays. We needed CAYSH!” but the new one may be even better. Everyone sings “Title Max got yo’ money, yo’ money” and besides Eyeshadow Woman, there’s Disgusted Couple: the woman flings a sheaf of past due notices at the screen while glaring at the man. I just know she’s saying something to him about having too many babymammas. Then there’s Dancing White Guy; they have folks of both colors in the commercials, so of course they choose the white dude for the dancer. C’mon, you KNOW white folks can’t dance - we got NO rhythm, especially the men. Dancing White Guy does this combo of a bad Running Man with a lopsided Cabbage Patch while he unfurls a sheaf of oversized money - real money, Title Max got yo’ money, the real money! I want to go hock the titles to the motorcycle and the Corvette, not because I need CAYSH, but just to keep them in business. I love them SO MUCH!
You know, I feel the same way about snowed-in leisure. I was all set to clean like crazy Saturday, but between your dad and the dogs going in and out, I just hit 'a lick and a promise' and curled up to watch TV and read. That's all I did yesterday, too. We had a fire yesterday afternoon, and I really enjoyed that. The boys were funny - Bucky kept picking his paws up and looking at them every time he took a step on the snow, and Satchel was totally startled by the melting ice dropping water on him!
Anonymous, at 12:38 PM
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