According to the kind, talented, beneficent people at Sony, my PS2 is repaired and on its way back to me! It may even arrive today! There will now be a brief blog-time-out while Helly does the happy dance...okay, getting caught by the boss while doing the happy dance can be disconcerting. To make matters worse, he just acted confused about the whole PS2 repair thing. Can he not KNOW the wondrous magic that is the PlayStation? Poor fellow.
Blogging about blogging: occasionally, I hit that “next blog” button in hopes of happening upon an interesting blog I wouldn’t know about otherwise. Sometimes that works, but for every intriguing, well-written one I find, I have to click past dozens of duds. For example, blogging is apparently big in Brazil as I see lots of blogs written in Portuguese. While I have nothing against Brazilians (and in fact worship one as a god), I can’t read or speak Portuguese so those blogs don’t exactly reach me. The same goes for Japanese/Chinese/other oriental-character-based languages - well, the lack of comprehension part, not the god-worship part.
Speaking of god-worship, I also find a lot of proselytizing blogs, which can be great fun if you happen across some serious nutjobs. Of course I can’t find the link in my History file but yesterday I learned that God hates Catholics because they are idol-worshippers. Hmm...this information might have been more useful to me had I known sooner, although in retrospect I probably would have still spent much of my youth being Catholic, because I looked so darn cute in the little plaid skirt-and-vest combo.
Another religious one was written by one of the poorest grammarians I’ve ever seen. [Another thing that gets a blog, no matter how interesting, immediately off my reading list is atrocious grammar and spelling. We all make the occasional typo or grammar mistake, but I draw the line at utter incomprehensibility.] In addition to sundry grammar/spelling errors, this blogger used the word “Bible” about 20 times per paragraph but never capitalized it. I spent ages trying to find that blog later, without success. I was longing to leave a comment stolen from Alan - which is funny but potentially offensive, you have been duly warned - I was going to comment (with my real name, hey, I’m no hypocrite): "Not capitalizing ‘Bible’ makes the Baby Jesus cry."
I think it’s odd that some people start a blog but never update it - not when people update less frequently than others or when job/vacation/life gets in the way for a time, but I’ve seen blogs that were started months or even years previously, with only the one initial entry, or with only a handful of posts, all quite old. Personally, once I’d gone to the trouble to set one up, I’d update it; if I discovered it really wasn’t my cup of tea, I’d delete it instead of leaving the skeletal remains hanging out in the ether.
Anyway...I don't have an appropriate concluding paragraph prepared for this entry (my high school English teacher hangs her head in shame) but on the other hand, I used and spelled correctly an eight-syllable word. I RULE! - and tomorrow, when my PS2 is restored to me, I shall reassert my dominance as the uncontested CHOCOBO MASTAH, and I shall RULE some more! *insert evil maniacal laughter*
Blogging about blogging: occasionally, I hit that “next blog” button in hopes of happening upon an interesting blog I wouldn’t know about otherwise. Sometimes that works, but for every intriguing, well-written one I find, I have to click past dozens of duds. For example, blogging is apparently big in Brazil as I see lots of blogs written in Portuguese. While I have nothing against Brazilians (and in fact worship one as a god), I can’t read or speak Portuguese so those blogs don’t exactly reach me. The same goes for Japanese/Chinese/other oriental-character-based languages - well, the lack of comprehension part, not the god-worship part.
Speaking of god-worship, I also find a lot of proselytizing blogs, which can be great fun if you happen across some serious nutjobs. Of course I can’t find the link in my History file but yesterday I learned that God hates Catholics because they are idol-worshippers. Hmm...this information might have been more useful to me had I known sooner, although in retrospect I probably would have still spent much of my youth being Catholic, because I looked so darn cute in the little plaid skirt-and-vest combo.
Another religious one was written by one of the poorest grammarians I’ve ever seen. [Another thing that gets a blog, no matter how interesting, immediately off my reading list is atrocious grammar and spelling. We all make the occasional typo or grammar mistake, but I draw the line at utter incomprehensibility.] In addition to sundry grammar/spelling errors, this blogger used the word “Bible” about 20 times per paragraph but never capitalized it. I spent ages trying to find that blog later, without success. I was longing to leave a comment stolen from Alan - which is funny but potentially offensive, you have been duly warned - I was going to comment (with my real name, hey, I’m no hypocrite): "Not capitalizing ‘Bible’ makes the Baby Jesus cry."
I think it’s odd that some people start a blog but never update it - not when people update less frequently than others or when job/vacation/life gets in the way for a time, but I’ve seen blogs that were started months or even years previously, with only the one initial entry, or with only a handful of posts, all quite old. Personally, once I’d gone to the trouble to set one up, I’d update it; if I discovered it really wasn’t my cup of tea, I’d delete it instead of leaving the skeletal remains hanging out in the ether.
Anyway...I don't have an appropriate concluding paragraph prepared for this entry (my high school English teacher hangs her head in shame) but on the other hand, I used and spelled correctly an eight-syllable word. I RULE! - and tomorrow, when my PS2 is restored to me, I shall reassert my dominance as the uncontested CHOCOBO MASTAH, and I shall RULE some more! *insert evil maniacal laughter*
I wonder how you say,'MONTOYA DELENDA EST' in Portugese?
Spongebob? Homo Sex you all? That's just WRONG!
The CHOCHOB MASTAH has it all over BO when it comes to the PS2! Right?
I did the happy dance here today, too. Because of finally getting an address for a big order done and needing to be shipped. ^ * ^ * happy dance!
MONTOYA DELENDA EST! (are you SURE that's Todd's motorcycle???)
Anonymous, at 4:57 PM
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM
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