The Hellhole

Thursday, October 14, 2004

There’s controversy in the music world, and I’m not talking about an ancient Prince album from the eighties! Eminem’s got a new video that spoofs on Michael Jackson, and His Freakiness isn’t happy about it. I wondered at all the fuss but decided that I ought to watch the video before forming an opinion. I do that a lot - research stuff before deciding it's evil, which is because I’m not a Southern Baptist, ha ha. So I went to Yahoo’s Launch and checked out "Just Lose It". Usually I find Eminem’s videos very funny and this was no exception. Snarky humour is always good. I particularly like the scene where he’s crawling around a crowded dance floor trying to retrieve his nose, which had fallen off. I’m totally on Eminem’s side on this one - I’m sure he’s been anxious for days wondering where I stood, so this news will be quite a comfort. But really, if you’re going to make a lifelong effort to be both conspicuously famous AND totally, outlandishly bizarre, you can’t be all that surprised when people joke on you. Props to MTV for taking a stand and continuing to air the video despite His Freakiness’s objections and a vile Irish curse upon BET for caving.

In other news, last night I purchased the third Invader Zim DVD, showing my self-discipline by waiting an entire 24 hours after its release before hitting Best Buy. I wish there would be more Zim, but apparently creator Jhonen Vasquez isn’t interested in doing it even if Nickelodeon or some other channel wanted to revive the series. Sigh. It’s too bad, because some of the episodes were moving into true social satire - for example, one where a Girly Ranger named Moofy is heading up Zim's walk to sell him cookies. As a defense, he releases a robotic gopher who tunnels through the yard. Moofy gets her foot stuck in a gopher hole and instead of simply pulling her out, the public forms a vigil/media circus with 24-hour news coverage of the tragic situation, the cute-as-a-button child, and various efforts to form a rescue strategy.

Remember my post on stupid street names? Nancy has found the absolute funniest, and has posted with photographic proof: Knoblick Drive!!! *giggles* I bet no lesbians live there...I remember when my brother lived in Cincinnasty, there was a place along the way called "Big Bone Lick" which believe it or not is a state park. Need I mention that it’s in Kentucky? Yet another reason why it’s good that I chose to remain childless: if I had a kid, you KNOW I’d have been hauling it around clad in shirts which read, "My mom went to Big Bone Lick and all I got was this stupid t-shirt". But, to keep my blog from degenerating into one long snicker at sixth-grade level sexual innuendo, be advised of this interesting and factual fact: Big Bone Lick is the birthplace of American vertebrate paleontology. Really. It’s fascinating! Mammoths and mastodons and sulpher springs and...heh heh heh heh - bone lick.



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