The Hellhole

Friday, March 12, 2004

Gee, THAT didn’t sound right: Mommy’s underwear is NOT a snack!...which is what I very sternly told Sprocket as I attempted to wrest away the new ‘chew toy’ that he had purloined from a pile of laundry I was folding. Can you imagine if I lived in an apartment, where neighbors might be able to overhear this sort of thing?

Shopping paradox: every time I go to Borders or MediaPlay (or any book/music/DVD store) with no extra money, like when I’m tagging along while a friend runs errands, or when I’m buying one specific item and can spend only the money for that item, absolutely no more, I see at least a dozen things I want for myself and twice that many that I want for my buds. Yet on the occasions when I have some extra cash, or I decide that I deserve a little reward and go to these places armed with my set amount (sometimes as little as $10, sometimes more), I can find absolutely nothing that I want. Nothing, nada, zip.

I had lunch with my friend Michelle yesterday. She’s married to a wonderful guy who adores her, who’s incidentally mega-successful and just bought her a beach house in Destin. She gave up freakin’ vegetables for Lent and is subsisting on pound cake. Michelle is 5'9", slender (you’d never know she’s had 3 kids) and the most stunningly beautiful person I know that’s an actual person (that is, not an actress or a model). I really HATE my friend Michelle.

Art reaches its greatest peak when devoid of self-consciousness. Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make. - Bruce Lee, The Tao of Jeet Kune Do


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