I've already told a couple of you this story, but I wanted to blog about it, particularly for Flippy, who marvels at the bizarre things that happen to me as I attempt to go about my mundane daily life.
Yesterday, I had to take three deposits to the bank, and get some cash to give The Boss his allowance. Our bank has a branch in my office complex - I can walk there through these connecting pedestrian walkways and not ever go outside, although it's on the first floor of a building that's across the street and adjacent to my office. So I get over there and walk through the lobby to the bank, but there's a white piece of paper taped to the door "Bank is temporarily closed" - nothing else. I thought that was really weird because I'm in there all the time and none of the girls had said anything to me about the branch closing or moving, and if it had, for example, been closed for remodeling usually they'd state that, and put a date on the notice - "We will reopen October 1" or whatever. Puzzling, so I asked the security guard in the lobby about it and she says, casual as anything, "Oh yeah, they had to lock up because they just got robbed." !!!!!!!
Later The Boss arrived, and he was griping at me about where was his money, why hadn't I gotten his money, he wanted his money. I was on a phone call so I said, "WAIT! Just wait until you hear my excuse!" He acted very impatient and disgusted, and when I finished my call, he heaved this heavy sigh and said, "Okay, what?"
"I couldn't cash your check because the bank was closed for a robbery."
BWAHAHA! That shut him up.
Then this morning I went back over to re-run my errands and I asked the teller about it. It happened that the teller who was helping me was the one who was robbed. She was totally blasè about it, like, oh, yeah, we got robbed, no big deal. She said they caught the guy yesterday, pretty soon afterward, so I was glad about that. I couldn't believe how calm she was about it, to which she replied that she'd have been more freaked out if he'd had a gun and pointed it in her face, but he just had a note and no one was hurt. Still, she was so calm! There was nothing in the Atlanta paper about it today, and when I mentioned that she told me they don't like to publicize it but "it happens more than you'd think".
Yesterday, I had to take three deposits to the bank, and get some cash to give The Boss his allowance. Our bank has a branch in my office complex - I can walk there through these connecting pedestrian walkways and not ever go outside, although it's on the first floor of a building that's across the street and adjacent to my office. So I get over there and walk through the lobby to the bank, but there's a white piece of paper taped to the door "Bank is temporarily closed" - nothing else. I thought that was really weird because I'm in there all the time and none of the girls had said anything to me about the branch closing or moving, and if it had, for example, been closed for remodeling usually they'd state that, and put a date on the notice - "We will reopen October 1" or whatever. Puzzling, so I asked the security guard in the lobby about it and she says, casual as anything, "Oh yeah, they had to lock up because they just got robbed." !!!!!!!
Later The Boss arrived, and he was griping at me about where was his money, why hadn't I gotten his money, he wanted his money. I was on a phone call so I said, "WAIT! Just wait until you hear my excuse!" He acted very impatient and disgusted, and when I finished my call, he heaved this heavy sigh and said, "Okay, what?"
"I couldn't cash your check because the bank was closed for a robbery."
BWAHAHA! That shut him up.
Then this morning I went back over to re-run my errands and I asked the teller about it. It happened that the teller who was helping me was the one who was robbed. She was totally blasè about it, like, oh, yeah, we got robbed, no big deal. She said they caught the guy yesterday, pretty soon afterward, so I was glad about that. I couldn't believe how calm she was about it, to which she replied that she'd have been more freaked out if he'd had a gun and pointed it in her face, but he just had a note and no one was hurt. Still, she was so calm! There was nothing in the Atlanta paper about it today, and when I mentioned that she told me they don't like to publicize it but "it happens more than you'd think".
I'm telling ya, Helly. WRITE A FRICKIN' BOOK! That waiterrant dude is all over the TV and his blog has turned into one big promotion spot.
An added bonus: Fame brings weirdos and you'd have even more stories to tell.
basil, at 7:19 PM
On the news the other day, some person robbed a bank (Not sure where) and left in a Cab, and the cab driver didn't know he robbed a bank ROFL!!!
Anonymous, at 8:57 AM
How is it that all these things happen to you?!?! Or around you??? Such stories! I'm amazed :)
Z, at 1:27 PM
Z - I wish I knew, so I could put a stop to it! I just want to live my calm, boring life in a calm, boring, manner. Although I suppose I ought to be thankful that I didn't go to the bank a little earlier, and wind up there DURING the robbery.
Helly, at 2:01 PM
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