Not much of interest has been going on here at The Hellhole. I bought a new shower curtain liner on my way home from work today - oh! the excitement! it is overwhelming! The old shower curtain liner had started to get mildew on it. (Hey, it's Georgia - it's humid enough to mildew stuff in January!) I know that technically, I could use some Clorox and scrub it off, or take it down and wash it in the washing machine, but that won't work because I'd still know it had had mildew on it. And that's an icky gross degree of disgustingness that I simply cannot bear, so tonight I bought a new one and threw the old one away.
I know, despite my clean-freak weirdness, this is bad and wrong; willfully disposing of plastic (vinyl?) is evil. Carbon footprints, environmental awareness, conservatorship of the Earth, yes yes yes, but it mildewed and was therefore fouled to all eternity. I am, however, prepared to make a deal with Mother Earth: if she will keep her molds and mildews and assorted odious spores away from me, I will keep my plastic/vinyl away from her. Otherwise, I shall make no promises. In fact, if I continue to be beset by nasty, repugnant fungi, I may even throw away a newspaper! Without reading it!
I know, despite my clean-freak weirdness, this is bad and wrong; willfully disposing of plastic (vinyl?) is evil. Carbon footprints, environmental awareness, conservatorship of the Earth, yes yes yes, but it mildewed and was therefore fouled to all eternity. I am, however, prepared to make a deal with Mother Earth: if she will keep her molds and mildews and assorted odious spores away from me, I will keep my plastic/vinyl away from her. Otherwise, I shall make no promises. In fact, if I continue to be beset by nasty, repugnant fungi, I may even throw away a newspaper! Without reading it!
You might try one of the automated shower-cleaner devices. I use the Scrubbing Bubbles one and haven't had to clean my shower since I moved into my new place in October 2006. Love the thing.
Anonymous, at 10:33 PM
Really? That's interesting. I was looking at them in Target recently but Alan said he'd read an article about how they didn't work that well. Still, I'll take a Phil recommendation over 'Consumer Reports' any day! Thanks!
Helly, at 10:55 AM
I tend to throw mine out too, just because I'm paranoid that I didn't get ALL the mildew and it's just waiting for me to brush up against it in the shower and give me germs.
I've thrown mine in the washing machine before with some clorox and Tide (it has to be a heavy duty liner) and that actually works.
Or you can just get a new one :)
A Margarita, at 3:14 PM
That's exactly it, Margarita - there might be a mildew too small for the eye to see just lurking there, waiting for an unprotected nekkid part of mine to brush past. Terrifying.
Helly, at 4:26 PM
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