Well, first the last bit of vacation recap, and then it's back to my regularly scheduled rotten luck.
Sunday we lazed around because Alan hurt his foot moshing and pogoing at the X concert - okay, he somehow managed to lose his balance trying to get out from underneath the VIP rope after the show was over (Alan does not drink, BTW) but I'd rather you think of him pogoing to "The New World". It's more dignified.
Monday we gambled a bit (won a bit!) and headed to Bellagio to meet Flippy and Leigh-Ann for lunch. The buffet there is excellent, to put it mildly. We had a very happy surprise when we gloomily asked about soft drinks and learned that Bellagio serves Coca-Cola! Most of the hotels and restaurants there serve Pepsi, but we're from Atlanta, The City That Coke Built, so that's what we are accustomed to and like. We really, really love Mandalay Bay - the service, the rooms, the amenities, the atmosphere - but that one fact alone might mean that Bellagio gets our business next time. Seriously, Coca-Cola availability could make the difference (are you listening, Mandalay Bay???).
That evening, we ate at Burger Bar, one of Hubert Keller's restaurants - the greatest hamburger I have ever tasted, no question. Alan had a Ridgefield Farm beef burger with bleu cheese and peppered bacon; I opted for Black Angus beef, American cheese, peppered bacon and portobello mushrooms. YUMTASTIC! He had a cheesecake burger for dessert - a doughnut instead of a bun and it does look just like a wee hamburger. Roamed around the shops and casino some afterward, made fun of people who were oddly dressed, oddly behaved or otherwise deserving of our disdain. Yeah, we're bad.
Lunch was great - the food was fabulous. I had all sorts of things and a chocolate/raspberry dessert, but then Leigh-Ann discovered that they'd just put out Bananas Foster, which I looooove, so I had to eat two desserts (poor me). It was wonderful to get to visit with Flippy and Leigh-Ann. We've done stuff with them before, but it was an activity like a hockey game or a concert so it was nice to have the chance to just talk. Afterwards, we walked through Bellagio's botanical garden, which was gorgeous. I took pictures but I don't think Alan's put them up on Flickr yet. We hung out with them most of the afternoon.
Monday evening I wanted to go to Red Square, which has hundreds of different kinds of vodka as well as a great restaurant. The wait for a dining table was long, though, so we decided to eat elsewhere once I'd had my vodka drink. Red Square is impressive; I particularly liked the frozen ice bar. But the coolest thing is that outside the restaurant, they have a huge headless statue of Lenin (complete with painted-on pigeon poo) and they keep his head inside the vodka vault!!! You can do shots of vodka off Lenin's head, but the cheapest vodka that allows you this privilege was $200 a shot, so obviously I didn't do that. If we'd won thousands in the casino, maybe, but instead I chose a blend of several vodkas called a Chernobyl, which came complete with a three-eyed fish in it. I saved the fish - he was made of cherry candy - and was going to take a picture, but his three eyes were made of frosting and rubbed off in my purse onto the napkin I'd wrapped him in. So now I have an eyeless three-eyed fish. Then I had a Bananas Foster martini (we've got a theme going here).
Afterwards we ate at the House of Blues restaurant - another delectable meal. Alan had a ginourmous steak while I had a shrimp and pasta dish. Mmmm.
Tuesday, after breakfast we sadly checked out. Neither of us wanted to leave. We had some time before our flight so we gambled a little more and won a little more - we're not high rollers by anyone's standards but winning even in smaller increments makes us very happy. A cab to the airport, an uneventful flight home and no lost luggage - the happy part of my trip ends there.
We arrived home to find electricity only working in the front half of the house, so instead of having a day to put things away, do the trip laundry, get things sorted for the return to the work week, we were calling electricians trying to schedule repairs. My meager Vegas winnings pale in comparison to the price tag for everything that's got to happen. Four-figure KA-CHING. Mr. Sparky got us back up and running but there are a lot more repairs that need to be done; he wants to replace all the electrical wiring in our attic. But wait it gets better.
He couldn't start the more extensive work when he was out before because he found A SNAKE in our attic. A huge snake. After that, he refused to go back up into the attic until we had the snake removed. I didn't blame him; I grew up in a rural area so snakes and assorted wildlife doesn't freak me out that badly, but still. A snake. In our house. With us. So then we had to make a call to Arrow Exterminators (wildlife removal division), and while trapping and removing the snake isn't going to be that costly, doing all sorts of stuff to our house to make sure that snakes, squirrels and/or mice can never get in is quite costly. Another four-figure KA-CHING.
So now I'm just sick and worried and sad. Now instead of a great vacation and a fabulous time, all I can do is wish we hadn't spent the money because now we need it for something necessary instead of something fun. Alan says that I shouldn't feel that way, because he really, badly needed a vacation, we had a great time, it was worth it and it made us happy. He's right, and in the overall scheme of things I guess it's not that bad. But I had a plan and it was a good one - my car is paid off this month, and I was going to pay off stuff, plump up our savings, all sorts of positive things, and instead I'm right back to digging my way out of a big black hole. It makes my attitude worse that we spent upwards of ten grand on the house last summer just to get it market ready, and now I have to spend even more, even though none of this investment will result in a larger sale price.
Enough whinging and I'll close with a moderately funny bit. I was telling The Boss all of the disasters that had befallen me upon my return and he said, "See? That's why you should never go on vacation."
I replied, "I think you are rather missing the point. Going on vacation isn't my problem. All this shit happens when I come back from vacation. It's not that I can't go, it's more that I shouldn't ever come back."
He said, "Mmmm. I see what you're trying to do there. NO."
Sunday we lazed around because Alan hurt his foot moshing and pogoing at the X concert - okay, he somehow managed to lose his balance trying to get out from underneath the VIP rope after the show was over (Alan does not drink, BTW) but I'd rather you think of him pogoing to "The New World". It's more dignified.
Monday we gambled a bit (won a bit!) and headed to Bellagio to meet Flippy and Leigh-Ann for lunch. The buffet there is excellent, to put it mildly. We had a very happy surprise when we gloomily asked about soft drinks and learned that Bellagio serves Coca-Cola! Most of the hotels and restaurants there serve Pepsi, but we're from Atlanta, The City That Coke Built, so that's what we are accustomed to and like. We really, really love Mandalay Bay - the service, the rooms, the amenities, the atmosphere - but that one fact alone might mean that Bellagio gets our business next time. Seriously, Coca-Cola availability could make the difference (are you listening, Mandalay Bay???).
That evening, we ate at Burger Bar, one of Hubert Keller's restaurants - the greatest hamburger I have ever tasted, no question. Alan had a Ridgefield Farm beef burger with bleu cheese and peppered bacon; I opted for Black Angus beef, American cheese, peppered bacon and portobello mushrooms. YUMTASTIC! He had a cheesecake burger for dessert - a doughnut instead of a bun and it does look just like a wee hamburger. Roamed around the shops and casino some afterward, made fun of people who were oddly dressed, oddly behaved or otherwise deserving of our disdain. Yeah, we're bad.
Lunch was great - the food was fabulous. I had all sorts of things and a chocolate/raspberry dessert, but then Leigh-Ann discovered that they'd just put out Bananas Foster, which I looooove, so I had to eat two desserts (poor me). It was wonderful to get to visit with Flippy and Leigh-Ann. We've done stuff with them before, but it was an activity like a hockey game or a concert so it was nice to have the chance to just talk. Afterwards, we walked through Bellagio's botanical garden, which was gorgeous. I took pictures but I don't think Alan's put them up on Flickr yet. We hung out with them most of the afternoon.
Monday evening I wanted to go to Red Square, which has hundreds of different kinds of vodka as well as a great restaurant. The wait for a dining table was long, though, so we decided to eat elsewhere once I'd had my vodka drink. Red Square is impressive; I particularly liked the frozen ice bar. But the coolest thing is that outside the restaurant, they have a huge headless statue of Lenin (complete with painted-on pigeon poo) and they keep his head inside the vodka vault!!! You can do shots of vodka off Lenin's head, but the cheapest vodka that allows you this privilege was $200 a shot, so obviously I didn't do that. If we'd won thousands in the casino, maybe, but instead I chose a blend of several vodkas called a Chernobyl, which came complete with a three-eyed fish in it. I saved the fish - he was made of cherry candy - and was going to take a picture, but his three eyes were made of frosting and rubbed off in my purse onto the napkin I'd wrapped him in. So now I have an eyeless three-eyed fish. Then I had a Bananas Foster martini (we've got a theme going here).
Afterwards we ate at the House of Blues restaurant - another delectable meal. Alan had a ginourmous steak while I had a shrimp and pasta dish. Mmmm.
Tuesday, after breakfast we sadly checked out. Neither of us wanted to leave. We had some time before our flight so we gambled a little more and won a little more - we're not high rollers by anyone's standards but winning even in smaller increments makes us very happy. A cab to the airport, an uneventful flight home and no lost luggage - the happy part of my trip ends there.
We arrived home to find electricity only working in the front half of the house, so instead of having a day to put things away, do the trip laundry, get things sorted for the return to the work week, we were calling electricians trying to schedule repairs. My meager Vegas winnings pale in comparison to the price tag for everything that's got to happen. Four-figure KA-CHING. Mr. Sparky got us back up and running but there are a lot more repairs that need to be done; he wants to replace all the electrical wiring in our attic. But wait it gets better.
He couldn't start the more extensive work when he was out before because he found A SNAKE in our attic. A huge snake. After that, he refused to go back up into the attic until we had the snake removed. I didn't blame him; I grew up in a rural area so snakes and assorted wildlife doesn't freak me out that badly, but still. A snake. In our house. With us. So then we had to make a call to Arrow Exterminators (wildlife removal division), and while trapping and removing the snake isn't going to be that costly, doing all sorts of stuff to our house to make sure that snakes, squirrels and/or mice can never get in is quite costly. Another four-figure KA-CHING.
So now I'm just sick and worried and sad. Now instead of a great vacation and a fabulous time, all I can do is wish we hadn't spent the money because now we need it for something necessary instead of something fun. Alan says that I shouldn't feel that way, because he really, badly needed a vacation, we had a great time, it was worth it and it made us happy. He's right, and in the overall scheme of things I guess it's not that bad. But I had a plan and it was a good one - my car is paid off this month, and I was going to pay off stuff, plump up our savings, all sorts of positive things, and instead I'm right back to digging my way out of a big black hole. It makes my attitude worse that we spent upwards of ten grand on the house last summer just to get it market ready, and now I have to spend even more, even though none of this investment will result in a larger sale price.
Enough whinging and I'll close with a moderately funny bit. I was telling The Boss all of the disasters that had befallen me upon my return and he said, "See? That's why you should never go on vacation."
I replied, "I think you are rather missing the point. Going on vacation isn't my problem. All this shit happens when I come back from vacation. It's not that I can't go, it's more that I shouldn't ever come back."
He said, "Mmmm. I see what you're trying to do there. NO."
You know, when you opened this trip up to everyone who read your blog, we umm-ed and ahh-ed. And then said (to ourselves) no!
But now, you tease, you flirt (and you shine all the buttons on your green shirt - guess the reference) with your "bananas foster". Damn! If Maria only knew...we'd have been there.
In passing, ask Nancy about Mixclub - I'm sure you could produce a killer CD.
Anonymous, at 9:21 PM
Ha, I love Elvis Costello! Nancy told me about Mix Club but YET ANOTHER thing the house sale is holding hostage...on the "De-clutter! De-clutter!" advice of our realtor(s), all my CDs are packed up and in our storage unit, except for the 10 - 12 I've bought since then. I've been without my music for almost a year. *is sad*
Helly, at 9:38 PM
Awww, I'm sorry about the critters eating your electricty. Tell your boss that I said that if he was a really great boss and he wanted his terrific employee to be able to do the best job possible while she was at work, he'd pay for your your electrical work. He wouldn't even notice the money was missing.
Really, I'm so sorry that (eek!) a snake broke into your house and partied it up with some squirrels, causing so much damage. However, I'm really really really glad that you guys came out here to visit.
Buy Powerball tickets...and save us all.
(sorry I'm so far behind - I was waiting until you guys went home before I tried Cymbalta for my Fibro pain, and it made me really really nauseous - today is the first day I've felt semi-normal)
Anonymous, at 11:51 PM
Thanks, Flippy. I'm so sorry you've had a rough time with the pain meds. It was really wonderful to hang out with you guys; we had a great time. I was pretty down for a couple of days, I suppose because it's disheartening anyway when a fabulous vacation is over and you have to return to real life, but it was so much worse to come home to a disaster (and an expensive one), y'know? But Vegas was terrific and getting to see y'all made it so much better!
Helly, at 2:12 PM
Maybe it's a sign that everyone should just move to Las Vegas, no? No squirrels in our attics, nor snakes. Perhaps a scorpion or two.
Tell your boss to open up a Vegas branch - it'll be good for your allergies. Plus, it's cheaper to incorporate in Nevada, so win-win!
And then, we could all live on a nice little compound, free electricity eating critters.
Anonymous, at 8:03 PM
So, the next time you see my mother, please don't mention the snake in the attic because she'll never sleep again. Is it still there?
I'm so sorry you had to come home to such a disaster!
Anonymous Me, at 9:38 AM
Enjoy the memories and pictures of your vacation! It sounded like so much fun!! :) And, the house stuff, well...it will creep up on you like that. (We got the same advice from our realtors -re: clutter(we are both bigtime packrats), and we just got ruthless getting rid of stuff - and tried to celebrate (vodka shot??) every time a load went to Goodwill or the dumpster :)
DrL/K, at 8:16 PM
I actually hate clutter and I try to keep it to a minimum, but apparently my definition of "clutter" is different from the world of real estate. I don't consider books, DVDs, video games and CDs "clutter" but evidently they are. :-)
Helly, at 8:39 AM
Hey...I just got a message for from a Johnny Herbert...Something about needing you to sub for him sometime.
In the words of Stan and Kyle...
Whoa, Dude.
Anonymous, at 1:03 PM
Wow, you should go on vacation forever, no matter what your boss says. It will be cheaper! At least you didn't end up like my brother and sister-in-law: she got a concussion from a fall their first day on vacation (St. Lucia) then on their way back their plane lost an engine and it took American Airlines 42 hours to get them home.
Topcat, at 1:11 PM
Okay, Sandy - your brother and SIL have me beaten, I admit it.
Helly, at 9:22 PM
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. Blah.
But your trip sounded fabulous. Oh, and the food. Glorious food. Sounded yummy. As did the martinis :)
A Margarita, at 9:56 AM
My mom broke her nose while on vacation in Hawaii. Although, she was lucky and it was the last day, not the first. She was walking along a lovely volcanic rock (picture a very unsmooth surface) sidewalk and she tripped. What did she do next, use her hands to break her fall? Nope, she protected her purse, and fell down nose first, scraping her nose along the lovely volcanic rock sidewalk. It was nasty looking.
No wonder she never dreams about going back to Hawaii, like I do. I played softball, drank, smoked pot, shopped, visited the exotic animals at the Hilton Hawaiian Village every day on the way to their bar, and generally had a good time...each of the three times I went. Two trips for softball tournaments and one trip w/ my ex, when we were both working for airlines, so we flew for about $20 each.
Mmmm, I can taste the coconut shrimp appetizers, at the pinkalicious Royal Hawaiian, right now. Mmmm, coconut shrimp & fruity boozy drinks.
I could use a vacation. But, instead of vacationing, we'll probably just move to the next city we visit. ;)
Anonymous, at 9:49 AM
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