What will we do if Alan gets a job that doesn't allow him to work from home several days per week?!? We'd all be wondering when and how the U-Haul disappeared, I know that much. A little after noon today, Alan heard some noise and went to investigate. The U-Haul was being moved! There was a guy in a late-model blue BMW and either a young guy or a woman driving the U-Haul - the way that person was turned, all Alan could see was longish shaggy hair. BMW guy was standing out in the street directing the turning and backing up. Now (9PM) no one has returned and there are no lights on, so seemingly no one was moving in, but there are a couple of pieces of furniture newly abandoned in the carport. One piece looks like a desk - one of those cheap particle-board ones that's $30 - $40 at Target. Why that took a U-Haul to dispose of, when it would fit in my trunk, I do not know. In fact - no one knows who they were, or what they were doing...but their legacy remains. (+11 cool points for Spinal Tap reference!!!)
The Spinal Tap reference was lost on me, sorry.
Ohhh the sadness if Alan gets a job that does not let him spy, how will we know your neighbors' shenanigans?
A Margarita, at 11:49 PM
You need to visit one of those spy stores and get a motion-activated video camera, or something. I mean, what's next? Will they rent a bulldozer and park it on their lawn for a week?
Big Bottoms, big bottoms, talk about mud flaps my girl's got 'em
Spinal Tap Rools!
Topcat, at 9:10 AM
Sandy, never ask "what's next" in reference to the cursed house next door.
M - "No one knows who they were, or what they were doing...but their legacy remains" are some of the lyrics to "Stonehenge" - sung in reference to the Druids.
Helly, at 12:31 PM
Ah, so you've seen my desk, have you? :)
Tell Alan that he mustn't ever give up working his days at home - we need him there!
Anonymous, at 5:19 PM
That's the kind of desk I had for ages. Alan has a slightly nicer particle-board one that came from Office Depot, I think. So no insult was intended, I just meant it wasn't some huge, heavy, solid cherry thing that required a big ol' U-Haul. It's still sitting in the carport, abandoned, so if you need a new one...
Helly, at 7:38 AM
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