The Hellhole

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Skanky Neighbor Update!

I know, I haven't given you guys a Skanky Neighbor Update in forever, and by "forever" I mean fifteen months! That's because nothing has been going on. Most of the crap still remains in their yard but zero activity has been observed - until this morning. dun-dun-DUNNNNNN!

Alan had to get up early this morning because he has class today. I got up too, to spend some time with him before he left. A giant U-Haul is parked in the Skanky Neighbor's driveway! We can't figure out why, because that place was trashed, totally trashed, when the Door-Slammin' Family From Outer Space moved out. Then the Pigbys showed up and it seemed like they intended to do repair work; they purchased lumber, hauled toilets and the water heater outside, bagged up some crap - but then the activity ceased. The lumber pile moved from spot to spot on the property but never shrunk as though any of it were being used and as far as we know, they never replaced any of the plumbing items. I snuck over one day and peeked into the kitchen and it was wrecked - the stove was yanked out of the wall, wires were hanging down, huge holes were knocked in the walls, the floor was a ruin...and we have never observed any renovation-type activity going on. When the Pigbys appear, sporadically, they seem more engaged in moving crap from one pile in the yard to another, not actually getting rid of any of it, or repairing anything. So it's hard to imagine that anyone could be moving IN.

But what could they be moving OUT that would require a U-Haul? What is over there that could possibly be worth relocating? Furthering the mystery, it's one of the big, damn-near-18-wheeler-sized trucks. There can't possibly be that much stuff there; no one has been living there for months (and with good reason). From what I saw during my spy expedition, they need a gas can and matches, not a moving van.

But wait there's more! - because the above only amounts to standard, garden-variety weirdness and this is the Skanky Neighbor House I'm writing about. We got up at seven and Alan noticed the U-Haul when he was having his shower, so it's been sitting there at least since then. It is now two hours later, and the whole morning the moving truck has been sitting there, with the doors closed, with ZERO movement into or out of it. No one is bustling about carrying boxes, no one is directing the placement of furniture or the removal of items. Evidently, much like the trash dumpster, the Pigbys have paid for a moving van, risen at the crack of dawn on a weekend to fetch it, and their plans end, right there.

I'll keep y'all posted. Do you want a photo? It won't be great because I'll have to take it through a window, but I'll do it for my beloved readers.

EDIT: 10:00 AM update: still no sign of life at the Pigbys'.EDIT: High noon. All quiet on the Pigby front. I snuck outside in my pajamas to take this picture. It's difficult to tell because of that bush, but I assure you, there is a whole bunch of nothing going on.


  • It is now 9:14pm in downtown TJ (so that is PST). I'm thinking of going to bed, settling down with a book, and finally falling asleep. But wait...I won't be able to sleep! I must know what is happening!! You must possess something black - I know, I know, you're wardrobe is full of light coloured pastels but surely, at the back there is at least one black t-shirt and maybe a black pair of trousers. Come on! Dress like a ninja and get over that fence!! I need to get to sleep tonight!!! I need answers!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:19 AM  

  • BUM!

    I typed "you're" instead of "your". Can I blame my mistake on the fact I am distracted by the lack of activity?


    OK. Will go off and write one hundred times: "I will not use you're when I mean your". Which means I will still be awake in an hour. I WILL be checking for updates!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:23 AM  

  • Keep us posted, Helly. Skanky neighbor non-activity is even entertaining for me.

    By Blogger basil, at 6:23 AM  

  • I can't believe it's been 15 months. I love your stake-outs!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:17 PM  

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