There seems to be an epidemic of Freak Magnet going around. Nancy had a weird guy yelling abuse at her, Y has an old lady stalker and not to be outdone, I have inadvertently attracted the interest of Intense Security Guy.
The security in my building is very tight; I pass multiple security guard desks not only going in and out of the building but along the route to the bank, post office, restaurants for lunch, pretty much any typical errand. Ever since we moved my office here two and a half years ago, I've made a point of speaking to the security staff when I pass - nothing personal or deeply philosophical, just hey, how's it going, have a nice evening, remarks about the weather kind of stuff. Most of the security guards are middle-aged ladies who call me "precious" and "sweetie" (which I totally love - I'm not a person who resents the pet names, especially from older Southern women - it's what they do). One woman about my age is usually stiff and sort of unfriendly but then she will surprise me by asking, for example, about my health if she hasn't seen me for several days; two others about my age are more friendly and offer the occasional compliments on my hair, nails, etc. I also have no problem with Very Young Guy and Old Foreign Guy - they aren't particularly outgoing but will return greetings or wish me a pleasant weekend. I like making a point to speak to them and let them know I appreciate the job they're doing; I hope I'm a refreshing contrast to the jerks that steam past them without a nod or a word like they're not even there (or worthy of attention).
My huge mistake was in tossing off my usual, "Have a good evening" the day Intense Security Guy was at the desk instead of Very Young Guy. He replied a bit too enthusiastically, "You too, beautiful lady!" I didn't turn or stop to talk or anything like that, and really didn't think anything of it. Also (this bears on later events) I knew he was foreign because even those few words were quite heavily accented. I have no problem with his origin but I that's why I didn't realize sooner that I'd made a mistake: I put it down to different social mores. Like there are a few people in the building from other countries and when they talk to me, they stand WAYTOOCLOSE for my personal taste, but I understand it's not meant to offend, it's that they come from different cultures.
Okay, so the next day I'm leaving and say goodnight to Intense Security Guy, 'cause at this point it's automatic for me, and he says, "Hey! What's your name?" I answer him, - it's not like it's any big secret; several of the other security guards (Nancy, Vita, Rebecca, Mamie, Genovese) know my name as I know theirs. He shakes my hand - holds it WAY too long but again I think, "Well, different culture" - but then he asks if I'm married. I say "Yes, happily," as he turns my hand over. He looks at my sapphire ring suspiciously but since I shook hands with my right he's looking at the wrong one anyway. So I proffer my left hand, heavy with big ol' bling courtesy of Mr. Bowman, and repeat, "Very married."
Foolishly, I thought this would dissuade him.
I can't express exactly what's wrong with his remarks or why he creeps me out so badly because in writing they are all straightforward, normal, everyday comments, but it's all said with this intense expression on his face like every word is fraught with deeper meaning and he will keep on talking to me despite obvious cues that I need/want to be on my way - checking my watch, edging away from the security desk, etc. I probably responded too often and conversed too long but I hate being rude and I honestly thought I was getting a 'way too friendly' vibe because of the foreign factor.
He corners me all the time. His desk is on Floor 2, and also on that floor are the pedestrian walkways which enable one to go between the 3 buildings of the complex without going outside, crossing streets, etc. Other buildings not technically a part of the complex can also be accessed in this fashion, various restaurants, a sundry shop, the post office, which is handy when it's raining, too hot/cold outside, so I go that way a lot. One thing he said during An Intense Information Exchange was that he worked every Thursday and Friday afternoon (I guess so I could look forward to when I'd see him again ICK!). He also works odd times filling in for others and his regular job is security for a nearby hotel. So I thought: SCORE! I'll stay far, far away from that hotel, every Thursday and Friday I do the banking before 11:00 AM, and in the evenings I go a different way to my parking deck. This involves me going outside of my building, across the street and up the block to another, inside that one, up an escalator and through a walkway to the deck - which is maddening but it's better than reminding him of my existence and apparently reinforcing his impression that I'm lonely and longing to converse with weirdos.
But every so often in the last 2 - 3 weeks, I slip up. He's covering a mid-day, mid-week shift when I don't expect him, I forget that it's Thursday (though not today, when I walked through a POURING FRICKIN' RAINSTORM in order to avoid passing him), he's covering a shift at the first floor desk which is part of the evasive route I take to avoid him...AAAGH! I don't get it. Why me?!? What have I done to deserve Intense Security Guy?!? I innocently wish everyone a pleasant day and this guy leeches on despite me saying I'm happily married. I'm so married that I'm not even any good for green card purposes! There are at least two dozen guys in that building that I've met since working there, that I talk to more, and all they do is tell me good morning, ask how I'm doing and comment on the weather. Well, and give me wholesale prices on jewelry - but that's beside the point.
The security in my building is very tight; I pass multiple security guard desks not only going in and out of the building but along the route to the bank, post office, restaurants for lunch, pretty much any typical errand. Ever since we moved my office here two and a half years ago, I've made a point of speaking to the security staff when I pass - nothing personal or deeply philosophical, just hey, how's it going, have a nice evening, remarks about the weather kind of stuff. Most of the security guards are middle-aged ladies who call me "precious" and "sweetie" (which I totally love - I'm not a person who resents the pet names, especially from older Southern women - it's what they do). One woman about my age is usually stiff and sort of unfriendly but then she will surprise me by asking, for example, about my health if she hasn't seen me for several days; two others about my age are more friendly and offer the occasional compliments on my hair, nails, etc. I also have no problem with Very Young Guy and Old Foreign Guy - they aren't particularly outgoing but will return greetings or wish me a pleasant weekend. I like making a point to speak to them and let them know I appreciate the job they're doing; I hope I'm a refreshing contrast to the jerks that steam past them without a nod or a word like they're not even there (or worthy of attention).
My huge mistake was in tossing off my usual, "Have a good evening" the day Intense Security Guy was at the desk instead of Very Young Guy. He replied a bit too enthusiastically, "You too, beautiful lady!" I didn't turn or stop to talk or anything like that, and really didn't think anything of it. Also (this bears on later events) I knew he was foreign because even those few words were quite heavily accented. I have no problem with his origin but I that's why I didn't realize sooner that I'd made a mistake: I put it down to different social mores. Like there are a few people in the building from other countries and when they talk to me, they stand WAYTOOCLOSE for my personal taste, but I understand it's not meant to offend, it's that they come from different cultures.
Okay, so the next day I'm leaving and say goodnight to Intense Security Guy, 'cause at this point it's automatic for me, and he says, "Hey! What's your name?" I answer him, - it's not like it's any big secret; several of the other security guards (Nancy, Vita, Rebecca, Mamie, Genovese) know my name as I know theirs. He shakes my hand - holds it WAY too long but again I think, "Well, different culture" - but then he asks if I'm married. I say "Yes, happily," as he turns my hand over. He looks at my sapphire ring suspiciously but since I shook hands with my right he's looking at the wrong one anyway. So I proffer my left hand, heavy with big ol' bling courtesy of Mr. Bowman, and repeat, "Very married."
Foolishly, I thought this would dissuade him.
I can't express exactly what's wrong with his remarks or why he creeps me out so badly because in writing they are all straightforward, normal, everyday comments, but it's all said with this intense expression on his face like every word is fraught with deeper meaning and he will keep on talking to me despite obvious cues that I need/want to be on my way - checking my watch, edging away from the security desk, etc. I probably responded too often and conversed too long but I hate being rude and I honestly thought I was getting a 'way too friendly' vibe because of the foreign factor.
He corners me all the time. His desk is on Floor 2, and also on that floor are the pedestrian walkways which enable one to go between the 3 buildings of the complex without going outside, crossing streets, etc. Other buildings not technically a part of the complex can also be accessed in this fashion, various restaurants, a sundry shop, the post office, which is handy when it's raining, too hot/cold outside, so I go that way a lot. One thing he said during An Intense Information Exchange was that he worked every Thursday and Friday afternoon (I guess so I could look forward to when I'd see him again ICK!). He also works odd times filling in for others and his regular job is security for a nearby hotel. So I thought: SCORE! I'll stay far, far away from that hotel, every Thursday and Friday I do the banking before 11:00 AM, and in the evenings I go a different way to my parking deck. This involves me going outside of my building, across the street and up the block to another, inside that one, up an escalator and through a walkway to the deck - which is maddening but it's better than reminding him of my existence and apparently reinforcing his impression that I'm lonely and longing to converse with weirdos.
But every so often in the last 2 - 3 weeks, I slip up. He's covering a mid-day, mid-week shift when I don't expect him, I forget that it's Thursday (though not today, when I walked through a POURING FRICKIN' RAINSTORM in order to avoid passing him), he's covering a shift at the first floor desk which is part of the evasive route I take to avoid him...AAAGH! I don't get it. Why me?!? What have I done to deserve Intense Security Guy?!? I innocently wish everyone a pleasant day and this guy leeches on despite me saying I'm happily married. I'm so married that I'm not even any good for green card purposes! There are at least two dozen guys in that building that I've met since working there, that I talk to more, and all they do is tell me good morning, ask how I'm doing and comment on the weather. Well, and give me wholesale prices on jewelry - but that's beside the point.
I suppose being an ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS REDHEAD has nothing to do with anything......
Anonymous, at 7:07 AM
Hey, there, Beautiful Lady. I am a wild and crazy guy and I would like to party with you tonite!
Anonymous Me, at 9:12 PM
Maybe next time he makes eye contact, you could lean in and whisper in a small, sincere voice, "My husband knows how to kill people."
Anonymous Me, at 9:14 PM
I see dead people...and you could be one very, very soon!
Helly, at 9:47 PM
I have no good stalker-scaring suggestions. :-(
But, Yikes!
Still Trying, at 11:09 AM
Some guys are freaks. The fact you're female, drawing breath, and said hello is all you need.
Don't worry about not being nice - just stop talking to him. You don't have to. If he freaks you out, you have the right to not speak to him at all.
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM
I just feel oddly about having maybe encouraged it somehow. But I don't want to never say 'good morning' or 'good evening' to anyone out of fear that they're a weirdo. But you're right, Heather - I have the right to not speak to this goober.
Helly, at 12:53 PM
You shouldn't feel you encouraged it. Some guys are really off and take any sign of friendliness as an opening, or a come-on, or whatever.
More an opening, I think. Like, she's nice - I'd better pursue her. Because in art (and life, sadly), there's lots of examples of men pursuing chicks who don't like 'em and they get 'em anyway. So they think, persistence will wear a woman down. Ugh.
I hate that about being female - you always have to worry that general courtesy will open you up to stalking or harassment.
If it gets bad enough, would you report him to his boss?
Anonymous, at 12:25 AM
I don't know if I'd report him or not. I'm not afraid of doing that per se, but worried that it might make things worse, like if they 'have a talk' w/him but don't reassign him, then I'm stuck having to pass/try to avoid him all the time with him knowing I ratted on him. Would he feel vengeful and would that be worse than too friendly? I don't know.
Helly, at 11:03 AM
Lol, maybe he thinks you're sexy! Maybe you should bring hubby around swinging a baseball bat, jk.
A Margarita, at 12:39 PM
I just don't get WHY I should be so persecuted. I'm not even pretty - really - so you'd think he could stalk someone else.
Helly, at 9:36 PM
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