Last night I spent a blissful couple of hours seated 10 - 11 feet away from ROBERT FRIPP. He was at Variety Playhouse performing some of his soundscapes (I tried to link to it but Discipline Global Mobile is being fractious, so go here and it's the 2nd item, "Love Cannot Bear"), which he names Frippertronics but which I cannot but think of as Frippery, my affectionate name for the moments in which his guitar/computer experimentation become manifest in the occasional King Crimson tune.
The tickets were my Valentine's present from Alan. He and I met Bo and Phil there, sitting in the front row directly in front of The Man. I wish I had sufficient vocabulary and enough music theory to write a genuine review of that show, but I don't, so this is what you're going to get: Mr. Fripp's show on Saturday evening was the most impressive display of innovation, originality, virtuosity and sheer unbridled talent which I have ever been fortunate enough to witness. His dry wit and scathing humour made the artist Q&A session an interlude worthy of the music by which it was bracketed. Anyone who works a Monty Python dead parrot reference into conversation is already high in my esteem, but I was thoroughly overwhelmed with admiration for his artistry and finesse.
Forgive me for resorting to a lame pop culture reference, but after Mr. Fripp's display, sorry - I got nothin' else:
It goes past eleven.
The tickets were my Valentine's present from Alan. He and I met Bo and Phil there, sitting in the front row directly in front of The Man. I wish I had sufficient vocabulary and enough music theory to write a genuine review of that show, but I don't, so this is what you're going to get: Mr. Fripp's show on Saturday evening was the most impressive display of innovation, originality, virtuosity and sheer unbridled talent which I have ever been fortunate enough to witness. His dry wit and scathing humour made the artist Q&A session an interlude worthy of the music by which it was bracketed. Anyone who works a Monty Python dead parrot reference into conversation is already high in my esteem, but I was thoroughly overwhelmed with admiration for his artistry and finesse.
Forgive me for resorting to a lame pop culture reference, but after Mr. Fripp's display, sorry - I got nothin' else:
It goes past eleven.
WOW. Just....WOW.
It just sucks to be ya'll.
Anonymous, at 11:21 AM
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