I am a happy blogger because I have had a call from Jan at Dr. Mike's office and my precious puppy Sprocket is fine!!! Not that there was anything wrong with him - he wasn't sick or anything but at his last exam they noticed that his teeth had some tartar buildup and recommended a cleaning. They don't do dental on Saturdays (which is when I usually take the boys) so this morning I dropped him off. The teeth cleaning itself is no big deal, but it's done under anesthesia and I worry anytime either of the little guys has to be anesthetized.
He's been given an antibiotic - Jan wasn't sure why unless there was a lot of bacteria or a bad back tooth but I'll find out when I pick him up. Pills are no big deal, now that I know he didn't have any ill effects from the anesthesia.
"Anesthesia" is one of those words that never looks to me as though I've spelled it right, even though I checked before I posted.
He's been given an antibiotic - Jan wasn't sure why unless there was a lot of bacteria or a bad back tooth but I'll find out when I pick him up. Pills are no big deal, now that I know he didn't have any ill effects from the anesthesia.
"Anesthesia" is one of those words that never looks to me as though I've spelled it right, even though I checked before I posted.
I think I'll spell it "αναισθησία" just to be contrary.
Helly, at 4:08 PM
I am so glad to hear all is well with SRHP. I was the same way with Buckminster; I had to drop him on the way to work. I was on edge until I picked him up after work; he was still a little sweepy, but his teeth were clean! You may recall; I had only had him a couple of months, and boy did I fret!
Great photos of Alan on flickr!
Anonymous, at 4:22 PM
I'm glad your puppy is okay! The first time I ever had anesthaesia it was when I had my wisdom teeth out and I had to sign a paper acknowledging that I might die or wake up blind or paralyzed or braindead.
Anonymous Me, at 1:59 PM
I KNOW! It's like...maybe we'll just leave his teeth nasty. But I know that's not good for him, either.
Helly, at 3:36 PM
Glad he's doing well and has clean teeth. Would he like three kittens? Or even just two? They're potty trained, sleep in your lap, give kisses, only fart occasionally, and don't even mind when bigger cats whack them in the head (claws in).
I've never worried about our dogs & anesthesia, but maybe that's because three out of four (the fourth was under too, having her teeth cleaned) have had surgery. The two little dogs have had multiple surgeries without any problems with the anesthesia. We did have a bird that didn't wake up after surgery, but she was pretty sick anyway...and the margin for error with birds is so small.
Anonymous, at 2:07 AM
I'd like a kitten or three. Sprocket might think they were chew toys, however.
I'm just a paranoid mommy. Sprocket had a health scare when he was about a year old and I worry myself sick over anything more serious than a hair gnarl.
His pills, BTW, aren't antibiotics after all. He has a loose back tooth and the pills are supposed to tighten up his gums in hopes of maybe preventing but at least delaying him losing the tooth.
Helly, at 8:37 AM
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