Again on the subject of Christmas gifts, I want to post about this friend of mine, who I like very much. However, over the past few years I've learned that it is impossible to buy him a gift without sending him into a downward spiral of worry, because he reads w-a-y too much into anything I give him.
Example 1: one year I bought him this nice "business casual" shirt, the typical button-up, cuffs-and-collar shirt that's one step up from a Polo shirt, right? Well, he nearly worried himself into an ulcer thinking that meant he didn't dress nicely enough for work and he should spiff it up a little. I picked it because I thought the colors would look nice on him.
Example 2: I consulted his girlfriend about his preferred cologne and bought a flask. He seriously thought I was hinting that his personal hygiene wasn't all that it ought to be and even initiated a heart-to-heart with me, beseeching me to "Tell me the truth, I need to know." GAH!
Example 3: I gave him this cool, tiny keychain AM/FM radio with ear buds. I thought it was cute; it ran on watch batteries and was about the size of a giant SweeTart but the sound quality from the ear buds was phenom. "Am I listening to my music too loud? Has anyone complained? Should I turn it down a notch? I'll turn it down a notch. Did anybody say anything? Tell them I'm sorry."
Example 4: I'm starting to figure this out, now, so I chose candy. How can one go wrong with candy? He likes racing so I gave him this huge container of race-car-shaped chocolates in NASCAR livery. "Do I look like I've lost too much weight? I'm going to the gym three times a week. I can bench XXX..." even baring a bicep for inspection so I could see that he was merely toned and not too skinny.
The only time I 'scored' was when I bought him his favorite movie on DVD, but I could only do that once. He always gives me great gifts that I TOTALLY LOVE and I give him total paranoia.
Example 1: one year I bought him this nice "business casual" shirt, the typical button-up, cuffs-and-collar shirt that's one step up from a Polo shirt, right? Well, he nearly worried himself into an ulcer thinking that meant he didn't dress nicely enough for work and he should spiff it up a little. I picked it because I thought the colors would look nice on him.
Example 2: I consulted his girlfriend about his preferred cologne and bought a flask. He seriously thought I was hinting that his personal hygiene wasn't all that it ought to be and even initiated a heart-to-heart with me, beseeching me to "Tell me the truth, I need to know." GAH!
Example 3: I gave him this cool, tiny keychain AM/FM radio with ear buds. I thought it was cute; it ran on watch batteries and was about the size of a giant SweeTart but the sound quality from the ear buds was phenom. "Am I listening to my music too loud? Has anyone complained? Should I turn it down a notch? I'll turn it down a notch. Did anybody say anything? Tell them I'm sorry."
Example 4: I'm starting to figure this out, now, so I chose candy. How can one go wrong with candy? He likes racing so I gave him this huge container of race-car-shaped chocolates in NASCAR livery. "Do I look like I've lost too much weight? I'm going to the gym three times a week. I can bench XXX..." even baring a bicep for inspection so I could see that he was merely toned and not too skinny.
The only time I 'scored' was when I bought him his favorite movie on DVD, but I could only do that once. He always gives me great gifts that I TOTALLY LOVE and I give him total paranoia.
either he thinks you're some sort of messiah or he's bananas. give him all the xanax you can steal with a bottle of Maker's Mark and see if that takes the edge off him.
and part of me is thinking 'the guy is probably so hott and funny'....
nita, at 12:35 AM
That was a hilarious. What a challenge!
Anonymous Me, at 9:08 AM
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