Sometime in the last couple of weeks, the cleaning company started using something different to clean the bathrooms in my office building. It is this cloying, overbearing, horrible cheap-perfume sort of scent that is absolutely nauseating. I can't describe with the limitations of the written word how nasty this scent really is. "Evening In Paris" meets "Explosion at Avon" kinda illustrates it but fails to do it justice. The stench gives me a headache if I wear anything that takes time to get back into order after a visit - buckles, buttons, fasteners, ties - if it takes longer than throw up the skirt, throw down the panties then I'll have a headache for a couple of hours. It's VILE. So 12:15 finds me sitting at my desk, desperately longing for a wee, but unable to face the noxious cheap-perfume cloud thickening in the ladies' room.
Great minds...I was just thinking, "I wonder how many people will happen upon my blog from Googling things like "vile panties" and "Paris panties".
Heh heh. I wrote about panties.
Helly, at 11:39 AM
Yo, Helly!
I sympathisize with you completely: being highly allergic to most fragrances, offensive perfume smells are one of my hot buttons. I think we need an anti-perfume ordinance a lot more than we need an anti-smoking one: you can always ask somebody to stop smoking, but what do you say to somebody who's drenched in perfume?... "Excuse me, would you mind taking a shower?" I especially got hacked off when I bought some fabric softener that claimed to be "hypo-allergenic," and after two snarfy nights on "lightly-fragranced" sheets I looked at the bottle and found that the stuff was "lightly scented." How can you call something hypo-allergenic when it contains one of the most common causes of sinus shutdown?
Ah..... I feel much better now. I'm going to go shake it off at the bubble page now ( )
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM
Anonymous, at 3:34 PM
Happy Birthday Helly! Make Alan buy you an expensive gift he can't afford!
Topcat, at 5:45 PM
Thanks, Mom! Thanks, Sandy!
Helly, at 5:58 PM
Happy Birthday, Helly! Um, whoever you are. :)
I'm here by order of Nancy.
Anonymous, at 7:20 PM
Thanks, K'vitsh. I'm thirty-lots. More thirty than you, but not dead yet.
Flippy - thank you. I'm Nancy's IRL friend from way back in the day when "When Doves Cry" was a hit. I owe her BIG because she got me this fiance I have, so I pay her back in too much wine and rich desserts. There's more, but that's the highlights.
Helly, at 8:41 PM
I think the box he was in got hung up in customs...
Helly, at 9:38 PM
And I'm Nancy's NIRL acquaintance, Nancy. It wasn't a common name when I was growing up, but it seems to be common amongst my blog readers...all five or six of them.
Okay, favorite hockey team? And, did you ever play Zombies Ate My Neighbors?
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM
Nice to meet you, Nancy! Favorite hockey team: St. Louis Blues. But I also cheer for the hometown team (now that we have one) and Toronto (little brother's favorite). I wish zombies HAD eaten my neighbors...that house is cursed. Now that it's vacant again, I think I'll pretend it was hungry zombies. YAY!
Helly, at 6:38 AM
Happy Birthday! Belated now...
Kristal, at 7:16 AM
Thanks, Kristy!
Helly, at 12:03 PM
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