A month ago, when we were at the beach, I had this idea. There were signs all over the place prohibiting glass: "No glass on beach", "No glass in pool area", "No glass at tennis courts", etc. One day on the beach, I overheard this couple remarking that it would be perfect if they could have a bucket of Coronas sitting between them "like in the commercials" and on a couple of separate occasions I heard different guys grousing about having to walk all the way back up to their rooms when they wanted a beer.
So I said to Alan, "You know what would be a great marketing ploy? I can't believe none of the big companies has tried it yet - beer in longneck plastic bottles! That way, people could take beer on the beach and, well, everywhere that it says "no glass". People probably want to drink beer here even more than usual, because they're on vacation. Why hasn't anyone done this? Of course, it would be best to start out with a redneck beer, instead of Corona like that couple wanted, because most normal people would just wait until the cocktail hour. But Bud or MGD? They'd make a fortune!"
Alan looked at me for a minute, then replied gently, "Honey...beer comes in cans."
When we returned from the beach, I related this story to The Boss, intending to amuse him with how I had almost brought him a million-dollar marketing idea but Alan had shot it down in flames with that one minor detail. He laughed and said, not unkindly, that he did realize it was different in Helly's World, but here in the real world more people drank Budweiser than Guinness. Fine. Everybody laugh at me. No, really, I thought it was funny, too.
And THEN, last night, WHAT do you think I saw during Monday Night Football?!? Why, a commercial for the new plastic Coors which comes in plastic molded plastic bottles made of PLASTIC, that's what!
*stomps away muttering darkly*
So I said to Alan, "You know what would be a great marketing ploy? I can't believe none of the big companies has tried it yet - beer in longneck plastic bottles! That way, people could take beer on the beach and, well, everywhere that it says "no glass". People probably want to drink beer here even more than usual, because they're on vacation. Why hasn't anyone done this? Of course, it would be best to start out with a redneck beer, instead of Corona like that couple wanted, because most normal people would just wait until the cocktail hour. But Bud or MGD? They'd make a fortune!"
Alan looked at me for a minute, then replied gently, "Honey...beer comes in cans."
When we returned from the beach, I related this story to The Boss, intending to amuse him with how I had almost brought him a million-dollar marketing idea but Alan had shot it down in flames with that one minor detail. He laughed and said, not unkindly, that he did realize it was different in Helly's World, but here in the real world more people drank Budweiser than Guinness. Fine. Everybody laugh at me. No, really, I thought it was funny, too.
And THEN, last night, WHAT do you think I saw during Monday Night Football?!? Why, a commercial for the new plastic Coors which comes in plastic molded plastic bottles made of PLASTIC, that's what!
*stomps away muttering darkly*
I HATE it when 'other people' steal your ideas. Why should they get the glory and the $$ when it was MY BABY GIRL who thought of that first! Die, Coors Marketing people...just DIE!
Anonymous, at 10:59 AM
You know, it IS a great idea.
Some of us don't *like* cans, you know?
Too bad they got to it first, the bastards.
maria, at 11:06 AM
YEAH! That's what I'm sayin'! Plus, longnecks look so much cooler, and what's the point of drinking anything if you don't look cool doing it?!? The fact that Coors is such skanky beer only adds insult to injury.
Helly, at 11:14 AM
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